10 medicinal plants for weight loss.

10 medicinal plants for weight loss.

10 medicinal plants for weight loss. Millions of people are trying to solve the problem of excess weight. It concerns not only appearance, but also health in general. Obesity negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, increases the likelihood of diabetes and hypertension.

Effective weight loss involves an integrated approach: exercise, healthy eating, maintaining water balance. Also, this list will be supplemented by herbal medicine.

Medicinal plants not only contribute to weight loss, but also provide the body with important vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements.

In this article, you will learn about ten popular plants for weight loss, which are divided by the nature of their action, so that:

suppress hunger and reduce appetite (suppressants);
stimulate digestion and have a laxative effect;
rid the body of excess fluid.

Please note: taking medicinal plants for weight loss should only be done after consulting a doctor! And remember that herbal medicine is effective only with sufficient physical activity and proper nutrition. Otherwise, the result from it may be minimal.


Herbal suppressant herbs suppress hunger, have a mild calming effect, and help a variety of diets. To reduce appetite, nutritionists advise eating marshmallow root, flax seeds.


Marshmallow root contains:

a large amount of mucous substances that envelop the stomach, prevent the absorption of fats and reduce appetite;
pectins, promoting the active elimination of toxins and radionuclides, improving intestinal motility;
starch that makes you feel fuller.

Flax seeds contain vitamin A and carbohydrates, rich in proteins and organic acids. When soaked, they secrete a large amount of mucus, which envelops the stomach walls, reduces the amount of gastric juice and suppresses appetite.


Overweight is formed under the influence of two factors — an increase in body fat and fluid retention in the body.

You can remove excess fluid and get rid of edema with diuretics. They block the transport systems of the renal tubules and increase urination. Diuretic plants include linden, bearberry, burdock root, corn silk.


Linden is an effective diuretic that helps to eliminate toxins and toxins, normalizes cholesterol levels.

Linden inflorescences are especially valuable due to phytoestrogens. These are substances that accelerate metabolism and tighten the skin.


When it comes to diuretics, bearberry is important. The diuretic properties of this plant are due to the content of arbutin and hydroquinone.

Hydroquinone affects the epithelium of the renal tubules and produces a weak diuretic effect, which is enhanced by flavonoids. Due to this, there is an intensive excretion of sodium and chlorine from the body.


Burdock root also has an effective diuretic effect. The medicinal properties of this plant are provided by inulin, unsaturated fatty acids, sitosterol and stigmasterol. Burdock root infusions not only remove excess fluid from tissues, but also accelerate metabolism and suppress appetite.


Corn silk is a raw material that is also actively used for weight loss. The choleretic and diuretic effect of stigmas is possible due to:

fatty oils;
vitamins K, PP, B2;
ascorbic and pantothenic acids.
Corn silk increases the secretion of bile, reduces the content of bilirubin, stimulates the outflow of urine, excretes phosphates, oxalates, urates from the body, and reduces edema.

Detailed information on the use of corn stigmas in the fight against obesity can be found here.


Disorders in the digestive system trap food in the body and contribute to body fat. Losing weight in this case is very difficult, so you need to use herbal remedies that normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Among such plants are yarrow, anise, buckthorn, senna.


Yarrow is effective in losing weight in that:

enhances the secretory activity of the stomach;
increases bile secretion;
increases diuresis;
provides a laxative effect.
This effect is possible due to the unique chemical composition of yarrow, which is based on essential oil, flavonoids, bitterness, tannins, organic acids and vitamin K.


Anise is used to treat the digestive system and stimulate the secretory function of the intestines. He contains:

essential oil;
protein substances;
caffeic and chlorogenic acids.
Such a composition promotes the active secretion of gastric juice, stimulates the breakdown of complex nutrients and accelerates the elimination of toxins along with waste products.


Buckthorn is a mild laxative that contains anthraglycosides. It is these esters that irritate the receptors of the large intestine, cause increased peristalsis and its emptying. Due to the release of the intestines, excess weight is lost, the body is cleansed of harmful substances.


Anthraglycosides are also found in senna leaves. They actively affect the receptors of the mucous membrane and increase the motility of the colon. Thanks to this, stagnant feces are removed and the absorption of fats slows down.
Read more about the laxative and cleansing effect of this plant in the corresponding article on our website.

10 medicinal plants for weight loss.

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