

Abscesses (abscesses) are formed when pyogenic microbes enter the body through damaged skin. Microbes can also spread from a purulent focus in the body. It spreads through the blood and lymphatic vessels. An abscess forms at the site of the introduction of microbes.

In acute inflammation, the amount of pus increases rapidly. It can break through the surrounding membrane and pour out onto the surface of the skin, which promotes recovery. But if the abscess breaks through inside, under the shell surrounding it. Then purulent inflammation and even blood poisoning may begin.

Symptoms of an abscess: At the site of the abscess, redness, swelling, pain. Common signs are fever, weakness, headache.

Treatment of abscesses and abscesses.

Traditional medicine has extensive experience in the treatment of purulent abscesses. The funds used in this are aimed at ensuring that the abscess matured and opened itself.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the popular practice of treating abscesses with home remedies.

They include homemade ointments and vegetables. Various compresses and lotions used by the people for the treatment and early maturation of abscesses.

Remember that you cannot open a fresh abscess yourself. You can’t even put pressure on him, this can lead to blood poisoning.

Keep the sore spot in a hot solution of soda or soapy water (1 teaspoon in 1 glass of water). Keep for at least 20 minutes;

Apply freshly grated potatoes to the sore spot, bandage with gauze, change the product after 3 hours;

With panaritium — purulent inflammation of the finger — at an early stage of the disease, wrap the affected finger with the inner (white) side of potato peelings. Change the peel several times during the day;

Apply an ointment made of honey, flour and pounded baked onions to the emerging abscess;

For the fastest maturation of an abscess and for resorption of tumors, traditional medicine suggests applying a crumb of wheat bread dipped in hot milk to the sore spot at night;

Cut off the lower, largest, leaf of aloe tree, rinse thoroughly, cut lengthwise or crush, apply the product to the sore spot and bandage. Change daily;

Moisten the surface of the abscess with fresh aloe vera juice;

Tie a cloth dipped in castor oil to a ripe abscess;

Pour 20 g of chopped willow bark with 1 cup boiling water and heat over low heat for 20 minutes. Moisten a piece of bandage in the broth and tie it to the abscess at night;

Apply fresh curly lily leaves to the abscess;

Pour 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds with 1 cup boiling water, teach. Moisten a tissue in the infusion and apply the agent to the abscess as a lotion;

Apply gruel from crushed flax seeds, filled with warm water, to boils and inflamed skin areas. Boil flax seeds and chamomile inflorescences in milk. Strain and apply gruel;

Cedar resin and sap are good remedies for treating abscesses. They must be applied to diseased skin areas;

Crush fresh ivy budra leaves. Apply the leaf mass to the sites of inflammation;

Pour 30 g of spherical eucalyptus leaf with 1 cup boiling water and put on low heat. Dilute 1 glass of broth in 1 liter of boiled water and rinse the abscesses with this agent;

Crush 0.5 cups of dry leaves and flowers of St. John’s wort and infuse in 1 cup of vegetable oil for 3 weeks. Oil lubricate the skin affected by the abscess;

Take 15 g of white mistletoe branches, 10 g each of deaf nettle flowers, stinging nettle herb, water pepper grass and oak bark. Pour the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water. Apply the product in the form of compresses or lotions for boils and abscesses.

You cannot open the abscesses yourself, you cannot press on them or massage them. If a mature abscess has broken through, it should be gently squeezed out with clean hands. Rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid and then apply a warming compress from a soda solution to the wound for another 2 days.



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