Balms for asthma.

Balms for asthma.

The course of treatment is from a couple of weeks to four months, which depends on the severity of symptoms and the individual reaction of the patient to the components of the compositions.

1. In equal proportions, honey, ginger juice and pomegranate are mixed. Use several large spoons, repeating three times.
Regular use of the composition may harm the gastric mucosa.

2. In a glass of water, a large spoonful of fresh honey is bred and drunk. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

3. To half a glass of water add a large spoonful of honey and a little cinnamon. Mix thoroughly. Accepted before a night’s rest. Folk remedy helps to strengthen the body and calm down. Recommended in the treatment of cardiac asthma.
The prescription should be used with caution by people who have low blood coagulation.

4. To ½ cup clean liquid at room temperature add two tablespoons of honey and the juice of half a lemon. Are mixed. Divided into two doses.
5. You can stop an asthma attack using a balm based on honey and turmeric. Turmeric rhizome is ground in a mortar, getting a powdery consistency. Dining room the resulting powder is mixed with honey, taken in a ratio of 1: 2. Add a spoonful of water. Mixed components are consumed immediately after preparation.

6. A similar amount of lamb fat and butter is added to 500 ml of fresh honey. 100 grams of cocoa powder and ten fresh chicken eggs are introduced. After boiling, the composition is boiled for a couple of minutes. Cool down. Accepted with milk, 1 tbsp. l three times.

Balms for asthma.

7. From the leaves of aloe (leaves are preliminarily protected from watering for two weeks), gruel is prepared. Transfer to a glass container, pour 500 ml of red fortified wine and 350 ml of fresh honey. Mixed. To insist, clean in a dark place for nine days. Filter and squeeze. The first couple of days, the balm is taken 15 ml three times, after — 5 ml.

8. Four sheets of aloe are cut, chopped and stored in a glass container for two weeks (in the refrigerator). After pour boiled water at the rate of one to two. Allow to stand for three hours and squeeze. 300 ml of honey and 0.5 kg of chopped walnuts are added to the juice in the amount of half a glass. Use every time before eating a tablespoon.

9. To the juice of three lemons add a dessert spoon of honey and 150 grams of chopped horseradish. The night is kept in a cold place. Use half a dessert spoon after a meal, repeating in the morning and afternoon. Drinking is not recommended.

10. For 4 g take Dubrovnik polyium, Armenian wormwood, pine Dubrovnik, beaver jets, hyssop and frankincense. Mix with half a cup of honey. Use for two times.
This composition is unacceptable in combination with iron preparations.

11. Two kilograms of oats, two hundred grams of fresh aloe leaves, two hundred milliliters of brandy and the same amount of honey are placed and mixed in an enameled container. Pour with five liters of purified water and send to the oven for three hours. Filter and again add 200 ml of honey and cognac, 200 g of aloe. Bring to a boil in the oven and squeeze. Drink a tablespoon every time after eating.

12. To a serum obtained from three liters of milk at home, add a glass of honey and crushed elecampane roots in the amount of one hundred grams. The oven is kept for four hours. Squeeze. Take three times a day for 15 ml.

Balms for asthma.

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