Рубрика: Kidney disease

Charges for urolithiasis.

Charges for urolithiasis.

Charges for urolithiasis. 1. Prepare a collection of St. John’s wort, rosehip root, corn stigmas, parsley, arborvitae, lingonberry leaves, peppermint, creeping wheatgrass, blackcurrant and field horsetail. Components are taken equally. Two large pinches of raw material are required per liter of boiled water. Insist in a warm place for six hours. After pressing, it is […]

Treatment of urolithiasis.

Treatment of urolithiasis.

Treatment of urolithiasis. Urolithiasis is manifested by the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder or ureter. The stones are divided into oxalates (calcium salts), phosphates and urates (uric acid). Xanthine, cystine and cholesterol are less common. Their number varies from one to a couple of hundred, sometimes sizes reach 12 cm.

Methods of treating colitis.

Methods of treating colitis.

Methods of treating colitis. Milk serum An enameled container with 800 ml of milk is placed in a bowl with boiled water and heated. When cottage cheese appears, make a small «funnel», add chopped onions and garlic. Ten minutes later, cabbage, beet tops, radishes, celery, parsley and plantain are added. Cook for five minutes. Filter […]

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