Рубрика: Varicose veins

Hemorrhoid treatment.

Hemorrhoid treatment.

Hemorrhoid treatment. We solve a delicate problem: we treat hemorrhoids with herbs. Many people suffer from hemorrhoids — they often treat me with such a problem. This chronic disease causes a person a lot of suffering. Hemorrhoid treatment. The causes of hemorrhoids can be different. Among them are a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, constipation, calmness and […]

How to thin the blood.

How to thin the blood.

How to thin the blood. Foods that help thin the blood. 1. Tomatoes prevent the formation of blood clots in the cardiovascular system. It turned out that tomatoes (like aspirin) help to thin the blood and also (unlike aspirin) do not have any side effects. 2. Mushrooms thin the blood, lower cholesterol levels. 3. Berries […]

Remedies for thrombophlebitis.

Remedies for thrombophlebitis.

Remedies for thrombophlebitis. Verbena with birch bark. The most common thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. The resulting blood clots can dissolve, or they can clog the vessel, disrupting the blood circulation. As a result, a blood clot can break away from the wall of a vein and, with a stream of blood, enter the blood […]

Increased vein tone.

Increased vein tone.

Increased vein tone. It would seem that we are diluting blood, we are fighting with cholesterol, what else is needed? It turns out that with angina pectoris, it is necessary to increase the tone of the veins, which will contribute to a better outflow of blood containing cholesterol to the liver, where it is partially […]

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