Causes of thrush.

How to say goodbye to thrush forever?

Causes of thrush.

In the genitourinary tract, healthy lactobacilli always live in healthy women. Causes of thrush. They in the process of vital activity produce lactic acid, which suppresses the multiplication of harmful microorganisms.

And only when the natural balance between beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms is disturbed, uncontrolled reproduction of fungi begins and candidiasis develops. This fungal infection of the mucous membranes and skin. It is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. This fungus is constantly present here, but a healthy person does not create problems.

Normal, acidic environment of the genitourinary system is largely is determined by the hormonal background. It is subject to change for
month cycle. And also associated with a certain age — children, adults and the elderly, when the level of estrogens in women is different.

The causes of thrush can be both non-observance of intimate hygiene, and abuse of it, such as disinfectants. Risk factors are wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear, strings, the constant use of pads, the use of oral contraceptives.

Ways of infection and symptoms.

Infection with yeast fungi can occur in various ways. Thus, newborn infants are infected even during childbirth, if a woman suffers from thrush.

Also, the fungus can be «picked up» during unprotected intimate communication, through common toiletries, clothing, danger lies in public pools, showers and toilets, where carelessly disinfected.

Symptoms of thrush:

• itching, both slight and intolerable;
• pain during urination and during intercourse;
• burning, swelling and redness;
• characteristic discharge from the vagina whitish or grayish.

Poor immunity — from candida hello.

Any chronic fungal disease may be a sign of weakened immunity. Also accompany other, serious diseases — diabetes, HIV, oncology.

Therefore, the treatment of candidiasis should be carried out simultaneously with finding out the cause of the disruption of the normal functioning of the immune system. Maintain the activity of useful microflora.

The main habitat and a constant source of infection with fungi is the intestine. With malnutrition, intake of antibiotics and other drugs that suppress beneficial microbes, substances stopping the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria cease to be produced. Immune protection weakens. The fungal attack begins.

Treatment should be comprehensive

… and directed not only at the destruction of the pathogenic fungus. But also on the treatment of concomitant chronic diseases.

At this time, a woman should stop taking antibiotics, steroids, cytotoxic drugs, birth control pills, intimacy.
Modern medications for thrush are available for external use (suppositories, ointments, creams). So in the form of tablets for oral administration.

Although manufacturers of medicines promise a cure for 1-2 days.
The course of treatment should be from 5 to 10 days. In any case, do not interrupt.

And the treatment must be done after menstruation. This is to be able to use candles and do douching.

However, not always even the newest drugs produce a sufficient therapeutic effect. Since fungi can acquire resistance to them.
Then, in addition to pharmacy medicines,
native medicine:

• St. John’s wort:
3 tbsp. Spoon the herbs cook on low heat for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water. Cool and syringe 2 times a day;

• Herbal infusion of thyme:
2 tbsp. Spoon the herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos. Infuse 2 hours, drain. Apply for syringing;

• Excellent cure for thrush tea tree oil:
20 drops of essential oil are taken for 20 ml of any vegetable oil. You can also add 10 drops of lavender oil. Shake the mixture thoroughly. Lubricate it outside and inside 2-3 times a day or inject a tampon for 4 hours. Even severe thrush takes 2-3 days.


Causes of thrush.

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