Folk methods from vitiligo.

Folk methods from vitiligo.

Traditional medicine considers the recipes described below the most effective in the treatment of vitiligo, attributing to them the ability not only to reduce the manifestations of the disease, but to completely eliminate them.
Even traditional medicine, which has devoted a very long time to studying the disease, does not promise a complete cure!

Anise roots

At the heart of a folk remedy for home treatment of vitiligo are anise roots. They are boiled until soft, rubbed into gruel and applied to the affected areas twice a day. The duration of therapy is 4 weeks.

Birch tar

The main folk remedy that is used in the treatment of many skin diseases is birch tar. They need to lubricate the spots of vitiligo for a month. This is followed by a two-week break and a new course.
Birch tar is famous for its sharp unpleasant odor, so it is unlikely to be able to reach people during therapy with its use. Using the product for more than a month may well lead to the development of skin allergies and toxic effects on the kidneys.

Wine solution

Another way to treat vitiligo with folk remedies involves the help of a wine solution. To make it, you need the initial powder of grass, which is boiled in wine for 15 minutes (half a glass of powder for 2 liters of wine). A ready-made broth is taken twice a day in an amount of 50 ml a few minutes before meals, a third time — before bedtime.

Red clay

You can find red clay at the bottom of rivers and hillsides, but still it is better to buy it at a pharmacy. Clay is mixed with ginger juice in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is applied to affected vitiligo skin once a day.
For residents of megacities, the search for red clay in the river can be extremely difficult.

Chicken Bile

For treatment you will need chicken gall bladders. Every day you need to eat one at a time, after washing with water. It is highly recommended that you consume the gall bladder of a recently slaughtered chicken. This promises an increase in effect.
The first course lasts a week. After a break of 7 days is shown. The second course lasts 21 days, after which — a week’s rest. The third course is 7 days.
The use of raw gall bladder is unlikely to be called a pleasure. And finding a fresh “product” is not an easy task.

Folk methods from vitiligo.

Onion and garlic

For application to the affected areas, at home halves of onions and garlic are used. Be sure to alternate by day: today for 5 minutes we apply onions, tomorrow — garlic.
A “bitter” couple relieves itching well after being bitten by insects, but it cannot cope with depigmentation. Moreover, regular rubbing of the skin with garlic and onions can result in severe irritation.

Foam with horse grits

They collect foam from the back of the horse’s torso, and then rub it with sore spots.


As a folk «doctor» there is dew from misted window panes. It is collected and applied to the affected areas of the body.


The healing properties of duckweed are determined by its constituent substances — bromine salts and iodine. For treatment, the use of infusion and the use of a mixture of dry powdered powder with honey is indicated.

Means for use at home are prepared on the basis of vodka. For 50 ml take 1 teaspoon of raw materials.

Initially, dry duckweed is washed, then placed in a glass container and filled with vodka. Insist 7 days at room temperature, then filtered through cheesecloth. The infusion is indicated for domestic consumption — 15-20 drops are diluted in 1/4 cup of water and taken 3 times a day.

The washed dry duckweed is crushed in a meat grinder, a similar amount of honey is added to the powder. After mixing, the components are sent to a glass container, covered with a lid and refrigerated. To receive, 1 teaspoon of the mixture is shown daily. The duration of the course is 2 years.

For 2 years of treatment with vitiligo through duckweed, the situation can be significantly worsened, allowing the disease to step forward. Traditional medicine after such an experiment will be powerless.

Pork tongues

You need to use boiled pork tongue before each meal. A small piece is enough. The treatment indicated for extensive lesions of the epidermis lasts a year.

Folk methods from vitiligo.

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