Herbs for foot treatment.

Hip fracture treatment.

Herbs for foot treatment.

I want to tell you how we treated the extensive fracture of the femoral head at home. In 2010, my mother was in the hospital.

Herbs for foot treatment.

The surgeon-traumatologist, looking at an x-ray, said that she had suffered extensive fracture of the femoral head.

He put on his left leg «boot» so that moving the left foot was no way, and said that he should stay in bed motionless mother of at least 4 months and the rest of his life will move on crutches.

All that we have heard from the lips of a surgeon with a very sad view, because we both had to work day and time there was virtually no care for the sick person.

Returning home with my mother, we decided to treat her with his method. In his field, we grow more than 90 species of medicinal plants.

And enough a lot of experience in their use has allowed to appoint their own method of treatment:

• Wild yam Caucasian, rhizome. According teaspoon 3 times a day.

• Salvia officinalis, aerial part of the plant. Broth-drinking, and when after 3 months it began to rise from the bed — foot baths.

• vyazolistaya eucommia bark. Teaspoon per cup of boiling water. More Mom did not take anything. And after 4 months of using the chairs start to move around the room, and then went on a stick.

And then it took another 2 months — complete freedom of action, the consequences of a fracture had happened.


Herbs for foot treatment.

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