How to remove facial hair.

How to remove facial hair.

Facial hair appears in most women, regardless of the type of appearance. The problem is becoming more widespread in connection with an increase in hormonal disorders. Shaving hair only exacerbates the situation, provoking accelerated growth, making the structure more rigid. You can get rid of unwanted vegetation by various methods, resorting to the services of a professional, or by choosing a suitable home remedy.

Folk remedies for facial hair

The problem of facial hair is solved not only with the help of hardware procedures or cosmetics. You can get rid of such defects thanks to natural recipes. This will allow you to simultaneously take care of your skin without violating the integrity of the integument. If you apply traditional methods regularly, you can permanently maintain the smoothness of the epidermis.

With peroxide

Thanks to this tool, the hairs are gradually clarified, thinned, the structure becomes very brittle porous. Negative reactions in the form of irritations rarely occur, because peroxide is a natural antiseptic.

Art. spoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
Art. a spoonful of lemon juice.
Combine the ingredients and treat the problem areas with the finished liquid, for this it is convenient to use a sponge. Leave on for fifteen / twenty minutes. Apply the hair bleaching procedure regularly, after which it is necessary to apply a nutritious or baby cream.

With iodine

An effective recipe will allow you to get rid of stiff hair, gradually leading to loss and fading of the growth process in the bulbs. Be sure to check for an allergic reaction, it is not recommended for use in diseases of the endocrine system.

2 drops of iodine;
20 ml of alcohol;
5 ml of ammonia;
5 ml of castor oil.
Prepare a talker and apply generously to problem areas with a cotton swab. Keep for about half an hour, not forgetting after treating with cream. After two weeks, with daily use, you can see the result.

With soda

In order to get light, barely noticeable trunks, in the future subsequent disposal, it is worth preparing a folk remedy. It is not recommended to use near the mucous membrane of the eyes, as it can cause a burn.

Art. a spoon of soda;
hydroperite tablet.
Grind the tablet into powder and mix it with baking soda, dilute it with water to get gruel. Gently distribute and leave for fifteen / twenty minutes, then remove with a cotton swab. Repeat the procedure two / three times a week, not more often, otherwise wounds and cracks may appear on the integument.

With rivanol

Very effective tool, and also has an antimicrobial effect. It is used for thinner and brighter hairs, so you can pre-lighten with peroxide, only after using the recipe.

Art. a spoonful of rivanol solution;
a teaspoon of wine vinegar.
Connect the liquids in the ceramic dishes, moisten a cotton swab and apply to the selected area. Keep about half an hour, it is advisable to carry out a cosmetic procedure in the afternoon. For a tangible effect, at least ten sessions may be required every other day.

With nutshell

This method of mechanical action is aimed at gradual thinning, further removal. Not suitable for sensitive skin, can damage thin capillaries.
20 gr. walnut shells;
10 gr. pine nutshells.
Grind several times in a coffee grinder to obtain micro particles. Steam the covers well with a compress. Before application, pour the mixture with boiling water, then apply in a circular motion to the skin. Massage for five to seven minutes, repeat three / four times a week.

How to remove facial hair.

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