
Stop, do not overexert!


It is desirable that the hypertensive patient realized that if he wanted to arrange the lives of those he loves, it does not mean you have to squeeze yourself to the fullest. It is necessary to find the right understanding of responsibility and realize that it is often not to do anything by force.

The pressure is a good indicator of the correctness of our actions — both in respect of (high pressure signals: stop, not overexert!), and in respect of its own body (increased pressure — Get a!).


In recent years there have been a new generation of drugs, but the principles of their action is the same as that of drugs used 20-30 years ago.
Today used antihypertensive drugs such as Enap, egilok, Inderal, and decongestants, diuretics — veroshperon furosemide. Now being tested for pressure reducing drugs, taken in combination: amlodipine plus prestarium, or a combination of atenolol plus a diuretic.

In mild hypertension (140-150 mm when pressure digits Hg. Art. 90 mm Hg. Art.) should be preferred above all non-pharmacological therapy, normalizing the function of the cardiovascular system on the background diet. With moderate blood pressure (at numbers 160-180 100) or severe hypertension (180 to 110 and above) are preferred combination therapy, which is, of course, carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

Hypertension. Recommendations on diet.

First of all, it should reduce the dietary energy of about 2400 kcal. This is followed by a diet enriched foods containing a significant amount of dietary fiber in the diet increase the content of vitamin C, P, group B vitamins, niacin, potassium and magnesium salts.

To do this, you need to consume more foods such as dried apricots, prunes, nuts, potatoes, cabbage, rose hips, gooseberries, black currants, white beans, carrots, lean meat; cereals — oats, buckwheat and millet.
It is recommended to have at least 4 meals a day with the exception of heavy meals, especially at night.

You need to limit salt intake to 3-5 grams per day, during the exacerbation of recommended salt is almost completely eliminated. Limiting salt is carried out both by reducing adding it to food, and by limiting or excluding from a diet rich salt products:. Canned food, sausages, smoked meats, cheeses, etc. To improve the taste of salted food, you can use onions, garlic, spices, citric acid , tomato juice, vinegar. However, too long and severe restriction of salt in the diet is not desirable, as this may change water and mineral metabolism and appearance of sodium chloride, and symptoms of deficiency in the body: muscle weakness, appetite suppression and mouthfeel.



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