Lose weight quickly.

Lose weight quickly.

A slim and fit body is the dream of any woman. On what only tricks and cunning we go just to get it.
However, there are ways that once and for all will allow the beautiful half of humanity to acquire a beautiful form and get rid of excess weight.


Fruits and vegetables at one time should be eaten as much as is placed in your handful or in one small bowl.
The intake of fruits and vegetables should not be less than 5-6 per day. This will spur metabolism and will get rid of the accumulated slag in the body.


It’s a mistake to skip breakfast.
If you are concerned that you will start gaining excess weight. I’ll hurry you to dissuade. Correct breakfast will help not only not to gain extra pounds. He will help with the metabolism, good mood and will give a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

So, you can prepare for breakfast:

* Take two toasts of whole wheat bread, low-fat cottage cheese and a little greens. Cut the greens finely, mix with the cottage cheese and spread the resulting mass on whole wheat bread.

* Oat porridge fill with low-fat milk, cut any unsweetened fruit and add to oatmeal. Give a little brew and you can eat.

* Any lean meat (the size of the palm) and vegetables (cabbage, sweet Bulgarian pepper, a mixture of salads). This breakfast will give you a feeling of satiety for a few hours.


Refuse such zatey as fasting, refusal of fats and trainings in the gym to exhaustion …

The effect will be — this is without a doubt! You will lose weight, create a relief. You will be the most-most, but …

But when you return to your habitual way of life, the body with incredible speed will take up the growth of adipose tissue. In case you suddenly again come to mind to sit on another hunger strike or a tough diet.

The consequences of such an ill-considered step will be extremely deplorable …
As they say, «oil painting». This is a completely disturbed metabolism. Because of this, obesity, which then is quite difficult to bounce back. Banal dissatisfaction with yourself.


Suppress appetite and trigger the metabolism of products such as ginger, sauerkraut, coffee, pineapple and celery.

For a long time it gives a feeling of saturation, removes harmful toxins and cleans the intestines of cellulose.


* Eat differently, without «bends», at least 4-5 times a day;

* monitor the amount of calories entering the body;

* Increase physical activity, but without fanaticism;

* Do not eat late at night, but if unbearable, then drink a glass of skim milk or kefir, or rather just water.

Be slim, beautiful and desirable!


Lose weight quickly.

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