Natural remedies for menopause.

Women’s tea.

Natural remedies for menopause.

In my life came the period of menopause, and with it and various troubles, the most difficult of which for me were the tides and bouts of dizziness. Natural remedies for menopause.

My friend advised me to drink tea from the hawthorn.

The recipe is: take fifty fruits and flowers of hawthorn, blood-red and mix well.

3 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with 3 cups boiling water, insist 2 hours in a warm place and strain.

Drink tea in a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
Within a month of such tea drinking, my condition became noticeably better.
And now I do not remember about these troubles, but periodically I still drink this tea.
I advise you to try all women, because it is also an excellent tool for preventing cardiovascular diseases and lowering the pressure.


Natural remedies for menopause.

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