Chronic enterocolitis.

Chronic enterocolitis.

Chronic enterocolitis. Chronic enterocolitis is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system, which leads to atrophic changes in the mucous membrane and dysfunction of the intestines. Depending on the localization, enterocolitis is distinguished with a predominant lesion of the small intestine and with a predominant lesion of the large intestine. The disease […]

Seborrhea (dandruff).

Seborrhea (dandruff).

Seborrhea (dandruff). People’s experience in dealing with dandruff is presented on this page. Traditional medicine uses the following home remedies to get rid of dandruff: Mix equal parts by volume onion juice, vodka and castor oil. Rub in the product 1 hour before shampooing with dry seborrhea (dry dandruff); Hair can be rinsed in a […]



Ringworm. Ringworm. Coniferous healer: Folk remedies, treatment of trichophytosis. — an infectious fungal skin disease. The fungus affects the skin in the groin, feet, scalp, and other areas. At the site of skin damage, a ring gradually expanding from the outside is formed, inside of which a section of healthy tissue often remains. There are […]

Folk remedies for thrombophlebitis.

Folk remedies for thrombophlebitis.

Folk remedies for thrombophlebitis. Verbena with birch bark. The most common thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. The formed blood clots can dissolve, or they can clog the vessel, disrupting the blood circulation. As a result, a blood clot can break off from the vein wall and enter the blood vessels of other organs with the […]



Thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis — inflammation of the vein wall with blockage of the vein by a blood clot (thrombus). The most common thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. Causes of thrombophlebitis: The disease is associated with a complication of an infectious disease or is the result of the transition to the vein wall of the inflammatory process […]

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