Watermelon diet.

Watermelon diet

Watermelon diet. Can I eat  watermelon in the evening. Slimming — watermelon. Watermelon diet. The popularity of the diet based on the use of watermelon is large enough. Indeed, due to its very modest caloric content of this berry is not able to damage the figure, but for some time satisfies hunger. It only remains to […]

Cinnamon will help to heal cancer.

Cinnamon will help to heal cancer.

Cinnamon will help to heal cancer. Lung cancer treatment. Australian scientists conducted scientific research on the antitumor effect of cinnamon and concluded. Cinnamon is a wonderful antitumour agent. Even at the advanced stages of oncological diseases cinnamon can render the essential help. How to take cinnamon for tumors? In a glass of hot water, add […]

Blueberries will prevent cirrhosis of the liver.

Blueberries will prevent cirrhosis of the liver.

Blueberries will prevent cirrhosis of the liver. Liver cirrhosis is characterized by progressive liver fibrosis, which leads to the replacement of liver cells (hepatocytes) with connective tissue fibers. This disrupts the normal structure of the organ and also interferes with its metabolism. Liver cirrhosis can be caused by toxins (including alcohol), metabolic disorders, and viral […]

Best face mask for dry skin.

Best face mask for dry skin.

We struggle with irritation. Best face mask for dry skin. Irritation and peeling is a very common problem, especially if you have sensitive skin. But in winter, even normal skin can not withstand all the damaging factors. About the adverse effects of moisturizers applied immediately before going to the cold, we have already said. However, […]

When back pain.

When back pain

Severe joint pain. When back pain. 15 years ago, doctors diagnosed me «osteochondrosis sheynogrudnogo spine». Very sick back, neck creak. Pills and injections only temporarily relieve the pain, and I decided to take myself my health and to be treated without chemicals. When back pain. Fortunately, a friend advised me to one folk remedy for osteoarthritis. It […]

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