Pain in throat.

Salvation for the throat.

Pain in throat.

In our family, anginas often happen. Every time antibiotics drink no health is not enough. Pain in throat.
But the throat does not know this and still hurts. A doctor that — will come, look in his mouth, take out the pills and leave.

Pain in throat.

And we wondered what to do then. After all, there are some proven and effective folk remedies.
I will say at once, I did not check one recipe for myself and my husband, there’s little use.

And somehow I came across an article about St. John’s wort. It turns out that the hunter’s tincture on alcohol is the surest remedy for tonsillitis. And because of this most chronic tonsillitis and our family angina happened.

I did not buy the tincture in the pharmacy, I cooked it myself. After all, what you collect and cook with your own hands, it is always more useful.
I collected the St. John’s Wort outside the city, specially went with my husband to where the air is cleaner, and people and cars are smaller.

Pain in throat.

I prepared a tincture according to this recipe: 30 g of herb St. John’s wort, as it should, grinded and poured half a glass of alcohol.
Insisted in a dark cool place for two weeks and filtered through several layers of gauze.
Take hibernating tincture you need 50 drops 3 times a day after meals, and even prepare a rinse solution from it: 40 drops dilute in half a glass of water.
We with the husband have started to be treated at once, as have prepared tincture, without waiting for a sore throat. The results are amazing, so I wrote to you.


Pain in throat.

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