Pigment spots.

Pigment spots.

Pigment spots. How to get rid of age spots on the face at home.

If you are already tired of looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of age spots on the face at home, take these methods. They are safe, inexpensive and easy to do at home.

Apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which tests show can reduce or even neutralize hyperpigmentation on the skin.

To use this remedy:

Mix apple cider vinegar and water in a small container;
Apply the solution to dark spots with a cotton swab and leave it on for two to three minutes;
Wash your face or other treated area of the body with warm water;
Repeat twice daily until desired results are achieved.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains aloin, a natural substance that has mild depigmenting properties. The effectiveness of treating age spots with aloe vera has been proven by a scientific study conducted in 2012. To get rid of pesky imperfections faster, it is better to take not raw leaves of the indoor plant, but concentrated aloe vera gel, which can be purchased in the pharmacy.

Its use is very simple:

Apply the composition to the pigmented areas before going to bed and lie down to rest;
In the morning wash out the gel with warm water, the skin will be soft and smooth;
repeat daily until all hyperpigmentations have disappeared.

Red Onion

Red onion extract is a popular ingredient in cosmetic and therapeutic creams for skin lightening and scar removal. An international study has shown that dried red onion husks can quickly get rid of age spots on the face and body.

To avoid looking for creams and masks against hyperpigmentation that contain red onion extract, make a whitening remedy yourself:

Grate a red sweet onion on a fine grater;
Squeeze the juice through gauze;
Apply it to the problem area with a cotton swab;
Hold for 15 minutes and rinse off with water;
Do this simple procedure every day until the pigment spots disappear.

You can also prepare a decoction of red onion husks:
pour the same volume of water over a cup of husks, boil and simmer for 10 minutes;
Leave it to infuse for two hours under a closed lid;
Strain the decoction and pour into a jar, store in the refrigerator;
Apply the product to age spots daily until they turn pale.

Green tea extract

One recent study on the health benefits of green tea shows that its extract has a strong bleaching effect. You can try to buy ready-made extract at the drugstore or online store, but there is an easier way. Use ordinary tea bags, but keep in mind that the product must be of excellent quality and absolutely pure, without aromatic additives.

If you want to try to remove age spots with green tea, follow these steps:

Boil the bag with boiling water for three to five minutes;
Take it out of the cup and place it on a saucer so it cools without burning your skin;
put the bag on the pigmented area and hold for 15-20 minutes;
repeat such applications twice a day until you are satisfied with the result.

Black tea infusion

A 2011 animal study found that a strong infusion of regular black tea lightened the dark spots on guinea pigs. Researchers used it twice a day for four weeks, and the results were impressive.

Try getting rid of age spots with this product, because you have it in every home:

Brew a tablespoon of good leafy black tea in a cup of boiling water;
infuse the tea for two hours, then strain to remove the brew;
dip a cotton swab in the infusion and apply to the stain for 10-15 minutes;
carry out this procedure every day until you get the desired effect.

Licorice extract

Licorice extract contains biologically active substances that have been shown to be effective in removing melasma and any hyperpigmentation caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. Many sunscreens and ointments for treating sunburn contain licorice extract. Try using these to remove age spots from your face or body.

You can also buy dried licorice at the drugstore, which is a popular cough remedy. Brew the medicinal herb as directed on the package and use it for daily lotions — it will surely lighten the hyperpigmentations.

Pigment spots on the face.

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