Powders for hypertension.

Powders for hypertension.

At home, powders from plants and improvised products are indicated for a more successful treatment of manifestations of hypertension. There is no strictly specified course duration. It is important to focus on your own condition.

1. Flaxseed is ground to a powder state. They use a folk remedy for three large spoons per day, washed down with water or used as a powder for salads.

2. Finely chopped peeled garlic cloves. They are laid out on gauze and dried thoroughly. Grind in a coffee grinder and pour into a glass vessel. Use the powder on a mustard spoon three times after the meal, washed down with mint tea.

3. At the bottom of the cup put 30 g of corn powder (flour) and pour hot liquid to the top. Leave for the night. In the morning they drink, without stirring, on an empty stomach.

4. Washed four teaspoons of millet. They wait for drying and grind in a coffee grinder. The indicated dose is calculated per day. Take without washing with water for a month.

Powders for hypertension.

5. Prepare powder from the leaves of white mistletoe. Use twice. The dose is at the tip of the knife.
The prescription cannot be used without consulting a doctor!

6. Four cups of carrot seeds are passed through the coffee grinder. Divide the volume into twenty eight parts. Each morning, boil one dose in a glass of milk, adding a little starch. Drink on an empty stomach after cooling.

7. Dry and grind watermelon grains on a coffee grinder. For pressure surges in young and old people, use a dessert spoon per day, dividing by a couple of doses.


In most cases, the main component of home syrups is honey. If there is no allergy to the beekeeping product, treatment is continued until the unpleasant symptoms are resolved.

1. Mix a tablespoon of lemon gruel (grated with peel) and cranberries, introduce a teaspoon of chopped fresh rose hips. The mixture is poured into a glass of honey, mixed and sent to the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon in the morning and evening. The tool helps to quickly get rid of hypertension at home.

2. To a glass of mineral water add a tablespoon of fresh honey and juice of half a lemon. The volume is drunk on an empty stomach, continuing treatment for ten days.

3. Connect a glass of honey and a similar amount of fresh yogurt. Add 20 g of cinnamon powder. Used for two weeks in half a cup twice after a meal for the treatment of hypertension in the elderly.

4. Pass through a meat grinder two large lemons. The mass is combined with 200 g of icing sugar and kept for a week in a dark place, periodically mixing. Use the entire volume per day. Treatment occurs according to the scheme — once every five days.

5. Fresh beets are ground on a grater. Half a glass of pulp mass is mixed with a similar amount of honey. Use a large spoon, repeating the treatment three times a day.

6. Grated horseradish (100 g) insist four days in a glass of water. Squeeze and mix with a glass of beet and carrot juice (50/50). Lemon juice and 250 ml of honey are added. Use 15 ml three times a day.

7. To 60 ml of honey add 100 g chopped to the state of crumbs kernels of walnuts. The volume is divided into three doses and eaten per day. Treatment is performed every day for 1.5 months.

8. A glass of fresh cranberries is passed through a meat grinder and mixed with 0.23 liters of fresh honey. Take a large spoon every time after a meal.

9. Take a bucket of berries of viburnum and hawthorn, three kilograms of wild rose. Wash, fall asleep in an enamel container and simmer for about an hour on low heat. After injecting five kilograms of granulated sugar, and boil for fifteen minutes. Pour into liter jars and twist. In winter, take fifty milliliters of syrup per day, diluting with a small amount of water.

10. Five kilograms of chokeberry berries in four liters of water are brought to a boil and left overnight under a towel. Filter in the morning. The liquid is sent to the fire and pour four kilograms of granulated sugar. After a while, four large tablespoons of citric acid are introduced.

Bring to a boil and pour into banks, which are then spun. The berries remaining after the preparation of the broth are poured with three liters of pure moisture, brought to a boil and again left for a day.

Three kilograms of sugar and three tablespoons are added to the filtered broth. l citric acid. After boiling, pour into banks. Use syrup at any time of the year in unlimited quantities, slightly diluting with water.
The recipe is seen as extremely dangerous, since the berries of the mountain ash chokeberry tend to thicken the blood.

Powders for hypertension.

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