Sore throat and fever.

Best medicine for sore throat.

Sore throat and fever.

With colds in adults, you can use a tool that has repeatedly helped me out in difficult moments.
Take a bay leaf and a pinch of various spices (for example, a carnation, black and sweet pepper, cinnamon, rosemary). Sore throat and fever.

Sore throat and fever.

Pour it all a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes.
Then add a tablespoon of honey and a glass of vodka.
Drink at night.
If you take this medicine at the first signs of the disease, then in the morning you will feel completely healthy.
And if you still get sick, then you need to make this potion more (in the same proportions) and store the medicine in a thermos bottle.
Take 3 times a day for a teaspoon, and any cold will recede

Coniferous medicine. 

Sore throat and fever.

I several times a year had severe sore throats, tonsils inflamed, and only pills were prescribed to me, and at least once I was advised how to prevent the disease.
Each time the throat hurted, the lymph node became hard, like a stone. I went for heating, and drank medicines, including folk, but the lymph node swelled and nothing helped.
Doctors, like so often happens, put their hands up. But I kept looking for a medicine …

Sore throat and fever.

And then I heard that pine needles cleanse the blood and remove it from it radionuclides. Well, it’s not difficult to type pine needles, there are lots of trees in the forest.

I dialed gentle twigs and prepared the infusion: in 700 g of boiling water I threw a handful of chopped branches, boiled for 10 minutes and insisted the night in a warm place.
In the morning I filtered and the whole infusion drank.
I drank a spruce infusion for about a month, then a couple of weeks, and again began to drink infusion.
To my delight, the lymph node became softer and smaller in size.

But nevertheless completely the tumor did not fall down. And then I decided to try a more complicated recipe:
3-4 tbsp. Spoons of crushed pine needles, 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry wild rose berries and 2 tbsp. a spoonful of onion husks cooked 10 minutes in a liter of boiling water, insisted the night in the warmth and drank it all for the day.

Sore throat and fever.

I began to drink this infusion and the tumor began to decrease, and how completely disappeared, I drank a month more decoction to fix the result.
And besides internal treatment I wiped the lymph node with tinctures of hawthorn and echinacea mixed equally.
So the tumor was cured, and the doctor said that this pill helped.
So in fact I did not take any tablets, I regretted the money.
Since then, I do not go to the doctor, I am being treated myself.


Coniferous medicine.


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