Метка: advanced prostate cancer

Prostate adenoma.

Prostate adenoma.

Disease in men: a frank conversation. Prostate adenoma. Prostatic adenocarcinoma. About this benign tumor heard any man. Prostate adenoma. With age, there are symptoms that indicate that, like the vast majority of men, you could not avoid prostate adenoma. Prostate adenoma.  Urination becomes difficult, to completely empty the bladder fails, at night often have to […]

Wormwood from cancer.

Wormwood from cancer.

Wormwood from cancer. Wormwood treatment Wormwood treats cancers of any localization. Its effectiveness is several thousand times higher than that of chemotherapy, and it can touch one of our healthy cells by 12,000 cancer cells. Wormwood does not affect anything badly, but it treats liver, tuberculosis, pneumonia, meningitis, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, neuralgia and neurasthenia, uterine […]

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