Метка: eyelid twitching eyes

Severe stress.

Severe stress.

Anti-stress food. Severe stress. It is believed that the most terrible enemy, who destroys people mercilessly, is stress. Severe stress. In a state of stress, a person can have a gloomy, broken spirit. A heavy grievance, anger, spiteful envy, jealousy, even fear are in the soul. In these situations, the vessels are compressed. Often to […]

Twitching eyelid.

Twitching eyelid.

Twitching eyelid: what to do? Twitching eyelid. It often happens that the nerves begin to twitch an eyelid. Twitching eyelid. Herbs can help here. I recommend the night take 40 drops of evading (Marina root) peony tincture — drip infusion in 30-50 ml of water. This tool can help very quickly — in just a day […]

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