Tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of malaleuca. It is a colorless liquid with a very sharp, but pleasant smell. At the first breath, you will feel the aroma of a freshly sawn tree, which will immediately be replaced by a bitter-tart aroma and complete this composition with a barely perceptible fruity aroma.

Properties and uses of tea tree oil.

I want to note that the benefits of it are so great that it is recommended for use at any age. Tea tree oil, reviews confirm this, a very good antiseptic. It can also be used as an anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent.

Let’s take a closer look at its application:

For the treatment of various skin diseases. For example, if spots remain after a disease such as chickenpox, then tea tree oil, reviews indicate this, will help get rid of them.

From lice.

From burns, acne, ulcers, warts, ringworm. Besides the fact that this essential oil has healing properties, it also draws out pus. These properties help to cope with many troubles, including sunburn.

With colds, flu and other viral diseases. Here it helps to cope with a runny nose, cough and eliminate the inflammatory process in the body.

With various intestinal infections.

With respiratory diseases (for example, with bronchitis).

From various kinds of bruises, sprains, abrasions. Tea tree oil in this case, reviews claim it has a healing effect.

Also, essential oil is used for fungal diseases of the nails.

From colds on the lips. This oil quickly cope with this problem.

From dandruff.

Tea tree oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is used as a care product for the face, body, skin, nails and hair.

Helps to cope with such female problems as vaginitis, colpitis, candidiasis, thrush.

It is also used to combat stress. Oil calms and normalizes the emotional state.

Improves brain activity, helps to make independent decisions in any matters.

Used for whitening teeth at home.

How to apply tea tree oil?

In case of viral infectious diseases and to improve brain activity, aromalamps are recommended. For their preparation you will need 3-5 drops of tea tree oil mixed with 3 drops of lemon juice. Such aroma lamps can also be used to clean the air of viruses.

If you want to get rid of skin diseases or any rashes, then just when taking a bath, add 5 drops of this oil to it and sit in it for at least 15 minutes.

In order to eliminate joint pain, sprains, swelling or just remove fatigue, you can massage using tea tree oil. Apply it as follows. For 10 ml of oil or massage cream 5 drops of tea tree oil.

The following recipe will help with nail fungus or edema: take bath salt, dissolve it in a bowl of warm water and add 7 drops of oil. Then place your legs there and let stand for 20 minutes.

From cuts, burns, wounds, compresses will help. In one tablespoon of water, add 10 drops of oil. Soak a cotton wool or bandage in this composition and place on the wound for 15 minutes.

To cure a cold on the lips, remove warts or acne, you need to drip oil directly on the affected area and rub a little.

For diseases of the throat, gums, stomatitis, rinses are recommended. To do this, take a glass of warm water and add 3-6 drops of oil. Rinse to do during the day.

From dandruff, lice or to strengthen hair in your regular shampoo, add tea tree oil in the ratio: per 10 ml of 3-6 drops.

As a cosmetic, it can be added to your cream in the same ratio as in shampoo.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, candles from cocoa butter can be prepared. To make them, you need a simple form for ice cubes. For one candle, take 2-3 ml of cocoa butter and melt it in a water bath. Then add a drop of tea tree oil to it, stir and pour into the mold. Place in the cold so that the candle hardens. Apply before bedtime. Or you can do douching. Take a glass of warm water and add 3-4 drops of oil. Stir and douche.

Inside, oil can only be used with the permission of a doctor. 2-3 drops add to tea. Here, tea tree oil, reviews confirm this, will help to cope with intestinal infections and stress.

Tea tree oil.

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