The Liepaja diet.

The Liepaja diet.

Live with taste, but know the measure!

Today I will tell you about an amazing diet. I’m sure it will suit many. The Liepaja diet.
The Liepaja diet is surrounded by a halo of riddles and paradoxes: its author avoids publicity. A permitted diet includes sandwiches, canned food, mayonnaise and even non-alcoholic beer.

On this menu since the late eighties the European political elite is losing weight. Information about the method is passed from mouth to mouth, confirming eloquent changes in the appearance of losing weight.

Applying Liepaja diet man managed to lose more than 120 kilograms, continuing to eat ordinary food.

The main secret of the diet. Liepaja consists of a combination of products selected in a special way. Remember that you do not suffer from hunger and do not put up with «tasteless» diet food.

Sports loads during the time of diet are prohibited, including in order not to spur the body’s need for calories.

The main task of losing weight is to get used to the fact that there is less. But you can maintain a familiar family and social life, sharing a meal with loved ones. True, armed with a measuring cup and a ruler to determine the correct portion.

The Liepaja diet. Key moments.

Duration: 3-4 months.

Features: Usual products are used in strictly measured small portions, measured by volume, and not by weight. For every day of the week its menu.

Cost: low, does not require additional separate costs. The diet can be integrated into a normal family meal.

Result: depends on the initial weight.

Recommended frequency: 1 time in life. At the end — maintaining fitness and constant control of the size of portions.

Additional effect: changes in eating habits, correction of metabolism.

Liepaja diet does not fit:
With any chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating. More specific contraindications are not due to the specificity of the menu, individual consultation with the attending physician is necessary!

The basic rules of the Liepaja diet.

The Liepaja diet is known for the fact that it grows fast, without feeling hungry.

Basic conditions: clearly observe the menu, painted on the days of the week. Monitor the amount of servings. There are three times a day with an interval of not more than 5.5 hours. Sleep for at least 8 hours, get up and go to bed at the same time.

Do not allow any snacks between meals. Do not consume any alcohol. Drink at least 1.75 liters of clean water a day in winter and in autumn and 2 liters in summer and in spring (in addition to the coffee and juice provided for by the diet).

Follow the skin, avoiding sagging. To do cosmetic procedures. Since the second month of the Liepaja diet, take multivitamins. Daily pulse and pressure. Weekly — the level of sugar in the blood.

Full Liepaja diet is designed for 3-4 months. In this first two months of the menu is formed on the basis of specific dishes in a certain amount. Each day of the week corresponds to its unchanged menu (see below).
After 8 weeks, the basic diet varies slightly, taking into account the weight loss achievements.
Лиепайская a diet: the base week plan of a food.

Note! Vegetable side dish, vinaigrette and meat salad are prepared for all the days on basic recipes. On the first day of use indicated in the menu, a slice of bread always has a size of 60x90x15 mm, and any plan additive to it is 60х90х12 mm.


Breakfast. 200 ml of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter and cheese (bread — 60h90h15 mm, a slice of cheese for 3 mm thinner).

Dinner. Hot from any kind of meat with any sauce, total volume — 160 ml; 120 ml of vegetable garnish of three or more kinds of small-cut vegetables (a recipe for all days — beets and cauliflower can be boiled, green peas can be canned.) Refilling — only lemon juice). For a snack — 1 glass of any fresh.

Dinner. 120 ml of vinaigrette (a recipe for all days: boiled potatoes, beets, carrots + sauerkraut, pickled cucumber and onions, refilled 1 tbsp of any vegetable oil); 1 tbsp. l. any fish caviar or some canned fish; 1 slice of bread (size see Breakfast), 1 glass of any liquid (kefir, juice, mineral water, non-alcoholic beer, tea or coffee — with milk).


Breakfast. 200 ml of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter and meat (or sausage without fat inclusions). Size of bread and meat — see Monday.

Dinner. Hot from fish or seafood with any sauce, total volume — 160 ml; vegetable garnish (see Monday), 1 cup of fresh from any fruit.

Dinner. 120 ml of meat salad (a recipe for all days — boiled potatoes in uniform, boiled meat or sausage, green peas, egg, pickled cucumber, serving 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise or sour cream), 1 glass of any liquid (see Monday) .


Breakfast. 200 ml of tea or coffee without additives, 2.5 eggs.

Dinner. 160 g hot meat and sauce, 120 ml vegetable garnish, 1 cup fresh.

Dinner. 120 ml of vinaigrette, 1 tbsp. l. eggs or a little fish canned food, 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of any liquid (see above).


Breakfast: 200 ml of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter and meat.

Dinner. Hot from fish with sauce, 160 ml, vegetable garnish 120 ml, 1 cup fresh.

Dinner. 120 ml of meat salad, 1 glass of any liquid.


Breakfast. 200 ml of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter and cheese.

Dinner. 160 ml hot meat with sauce, 120 ml vegetable garnish, 1 cup fresh.

Dinner. 120 ml of vinaigrette, 1 tbsp. fish caviar or some canned fish, 1 glass of any liquid.


Breakfast. 200 ml of tea or coffee without additives, a sandwich with butter and meat.

Dinner. 160 ml of hot fish with sauce, 120 ml of vegetable garnish, 1 glass of fresh.

Dinner. 120 ml of meat salad, 1 slice of bread, 1 glass of any liquid allowed in the evening.


Cottage cheese day. 300 grams of cottage cheese, 2.4 tbsp. l. honey, 10 walnuts, 2 apples, 0.5 liters of milk divided into 5-6 meals at regular intervals. Drink, as usual, 1.75 liters of plain still water.

No scary car for violation of diet is not provided. The calculation is only on the responsibility and purpose of losing weight. Each relaxation prevents you from losing pounds as quickly as it could be.

If you have violated the daily diet plan, the Liepaja diet generously allows you to forgive yourself, draw conclusions and return to the prescribed menu the next day.


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