Treatment for stomach ulcers.

Pain in the stomach.

Treatment for stomach ulcers.

Pain in the stomach. For a long time doctors diagnosed a duodenal ulcer, prescribed a bunch of pills, but after a while after the course of treatment the stomach again began to disturb him. Treatment for stomach ulcers.

We so understood that the ulcer is forever. She herself cicatrizes, and heartburn and malaise remain.

Treatment for stomach ulcers.

Her husband always has a bad appetite, often there is heartburn, from which he usually saves soda with water.

But in one newspaper, I read that the soda solution, while relieving heartburn, but in fact very bad effect on the stomach. And I began to look for some kind of safe folk remedy.

I was advised to treat it with ordinary wormwood, or rather, infusion from it.

The recipe is this: 2 tbsp. spoons of wormwood pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drain. The infusion is ready.

The treatment is quite simple: in the morning on an empty stomach he drinks 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of decoction of wormwood, after 30 minutes of breakfast.

Also 2-3 spoons of infusion he takes and for half an hour before each meal. Gradually, he had an appetite, heartburn and pain in his stomach stopped. I am glad that a simple and safe remedy helped us to get rid of a long-term ailment.


Treatment for stomach ulcers.

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