Unpleasant inflammation.

Unpleasant inflammation.

In summer many people are faced with a very unpleasant problem — inflammation of the sweat glands.

However, this problem is a seasonal pattern, but in summer the sweat glands have to work harder, and people often use antiperspirants, which provokes inflammation. So why do sweat glands inflame, and can you really fight it?

The sweat glands are simple tube-shaped glands found in almost every area of the skin. Total number of about 2-2.5 million.

Especially rich sweat glands on the fingers and toes, palms and soles, armpits and groin folds.

Secretion of sweat glands — sweat — contains 98% water and 2% of the dense residue of organic and inorganic substances.

As you know, sweat excretes products of protein metabolism (urea, uric acid, ammonia) and some salts (sodium chloride).

Hydradenitis, a purulent inflammation of the sweat glands we are talking about, usually occurs in the armpits. It often affects people who suffer from excessive sweating.

Predispose to the disease dermatitis, minor injuries to the skin, lack of personal hygiene, creating conditions for the penetration of microbes in the ducts of sweat glands.

At the beginning of the disease in the depths of the subcutaneous tissue appears one or more dense, painful, pea-sized nodules, which quickly grow to the size of a walnut.

Later, the surface of the lump becomes uneven, purplish-red in color. After 10-15 days, the melting of the infiltrate begins to secrete pus.

Along with severe pain, there are sometimes chills, general malaise, increased body temperature.

If you suspect you have inflammation of the sweat glands: they swelled up and pain appeared, you can gently rub the sore spot with ichthyol ointment and tie it off.

In no case can not rub the sore glands. If the discomfort does not go away and there is an abscess on the gland, you need to see a doctor to open it.

Do not try to open the abscess yourself under any circumstances. It can cause blood poisoning. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics and autohemotherapy.

With recurrent forms, specific immunotherapy and general restorative means are indicated.

Locally they use dry heat, UHF. Dabbing the infiltrate with an antibiotic solution in novocaine has a good effect. X-ray therapy is successfully used in the treatment of hidradenitis.

Patients with hidradenitis in order to prevent exacerbations should exclude from the diet of alcohol, hot spices, limit sweets, it is recommended to include in the diet foods rich in vitamins A, C, E and iron.

Treatment with folk remedies.

The use of honey dough:

1 tbsp. honey should be heated in a water bath, mixed with flour, knead a scone and overnight apply it to the sore spot as a compress, cover the top with a plastic bag to keep warm. The next night, replace the honey pellet with a fresh one, and so on until it all dissolves.

«If you often have abscesses in the armpits, then try this recipe: take rye flour and mix it with sour cream, make a scone and put it on the abscess overnight. Wrap your arm with a sheet to your torso. In the morning, take everything off and throw it away. One or two times is enough to make the abscess go away.

«Hidradenitis, or, as they call it, bitch udder, very well treated in the following way: grate 50 g soap, add 50 grams of minced onion and pour all 150 grams of hot pork fat. Mix thoroughly and put the ready-made ointment on the internal abscess, it will pass very quickly.

Unpleasant inflammation.

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