Alternative cancer treatments.

Hemlock FOR WOMEN.

Alternative cancer treatments.

Hemlock is very effective for women, it helps to overcome many diseases. As gynecology use products based on this plant inwardly and outwardly.


At the same ailment is necessary to drink brandy in the normal way three times a day. In addition, you should take special broth.

upland uterus — 20 g;
cleavers — 20 g;
Meadowsweet — 30 g;
saxifrage, inflorescence mistletoe, water mint, strawberry leaves — 10 g

The capacity of porcelain placed 22 g collection pour 360 ml of cold water. After 50 minutes to send the mixture in a water bath, hold a quarter of an hour. When the solution cools down, add 15 ml of tincture of cinquefoil. Take 120 ml together with the infusion of hemlock.

For compresses and douching can use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sweet clover, sorrel. The broth is made from 15 grams of raw materials, and 230 ml of boiling water, cool, filter before use.

Tincture hemlock helps women with fibroids, various forms of mastitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

Disease of the breast.

For the treatment of diseases early enough to take the standard scheme tincture.

When a malignant form of mastitis maximum amount of medication can be increased to 40 drops, then gradually reduce the dose to the initial amount. Without a break, you need to start the course again.

13 drops sufficiently to 100 ml of water. 13-26 drops — 150 ml, then the amount of water should be increased to 200 ml.


When fibroids herbalists recommend doing douching with tincture of hemlock.

Prepare a herbal decoction of Chernogolovka, wintergreen, upland uterus. 60 ml of broth required 6 drops of tincture of hemlock. The procedure should be carried out after waking up and before going to bed.

Therapy should be supplemented decoction of oregano to restore blood formula. In 550 ml of water to fill 35 g of dry grass, allow the mixture to boil, pour into a thermos and leave for the night. Drink three times a day with 70 ml of 5 g honey.

To display the poison and restoration of vessels need to drink a decoction of pine needles and wild rose.

Mix 130 g of pine needles and 65 g of dog rose berries.
Pour 1.6 liters of water.
Hold on low heat for 12 minutes.
Infuse in a thermos overnight.

The entire infusion should drink per day in small portions.

Important! Hemlock tincture is an excellent remedy for infertility.


Alternative cancer treatments.

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