Best face mask for dry skin.

We struggle with irritation.

Best face mask for dry skin.

Irritation and peeling is a very common problem, especially if you have sensitive skin. But in winter, even normal skin can not withstand all the damaging factors.

About the adverse effects of moisturizers applied immediately before going to the cold, we have already said. However, there are means against this scourge.

Best face mask for dry skin.

First, you can buy a pharmacy cream with dexpanthenol (D-panthenol, bipantene). They have a pronounced calming and anti-inflammatory effect, as the substance dexpanthenol in skin cells quickly turns into pantothenic acid, which plays an important role both in the formation and healing of damaged skin.

Pantothenic acid (water-soluble vitamin) not only normalizes cellular metabolism. It increases the strength of collagen fibers, that is, the skin becomes more elastic.

You will also benefit from creams and other cosmetic products with the following substances:
Allantoin is found in the seeds and roots of plants. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Stimulates the growth of new cells, softens the skin.

Azulen and bisabolol are obtained from plants, they also have antibacterial, soothing effect. Reduce inflammation and promote skin regeneration.

And do not forget about masks with olive or sunflower, soybean oils. They have a whole complex of life-giving effects on the skin. Relieve irritation, nourish, moisturize, refresh. They help to keep youth longer.

You can mix vegetable oil with infusion of nettle, calendula, chamomile, plantain. This will have an additional anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

For example, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile flowers and a quarter cup of boiling water. After 15 minutes, mix the warm infusion with a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
Apply the mixture on face and neck. Cover with a gauze pad. Leave for 10-20 minutes. Such a mask can not be washed off. Just pat the skin afterwards so as not to stain your clothes.


Best face mask for dry skin.

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