Рубрика: Colds

Otitis externa and middle.

When infected with pathogens of the tympanic membrane, a pathological condition occurs, inflammation of the middle ear, or more scientifically, otitis media. Quite often, the disease is a complication of infectious diseases such as flu, colds, measles ... Otitis externa occurs as a result of infection penetrating the skin of the external auditory canal during scratching, burns, insect bites, frostbite ... Symptoms of otitis externa are pain with light pressure on the ear, severe itching. As a rule, hearing remains normal. The most common form is otitis media. Children are especially susceptible to this disease. The development of otitis media occurs as a result of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as influenza, acute respiratory illness and other similar diseases. The appearance of the disease is possible polyps, adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum. Otitis media is manifested by sharp pain in the ear with an increase in body temperature. Most often, hearing is impaired. Sometimes pus flows out of the external auditory canal, this is because the pus formed in the middle ear tears the eardrum. In case of otitis media, it is urgently necessary to consult a doctor to obtain confirmation of the diagnosis and appropriate appointments. If treatment is not started on time, the disease can become chronic. For the prevention and treatment of the disease, it is recommended to bury the following composition in the ears: a mixture of apple cider vinegar and medical alcohol, in a 1: 1 ratio. Warming compress A warming compress is very helpful for otitis media. It is recommended by both doctors and traditional medicine. Before applying the compress, you should lubricate the skin around the auricle with petroleum jelly or "Baby" cream. Then, in a slightly warmed alcohol solution (50 ml of alcohol per 50 ml of water) or in vodka, wet gauze or a clean soft napkin, squeeze and put around the auricle. The shell itself and the ear canal must remain open. Cut a circle out of wax or compress paper, make an incision in the middle and put it on the sore ear, again leaving the concha and ear canal open. Put cotton wool on top of the paper and secure it with a bandage. It is enough to keep the product for 1–2 hours; it is not necessary to leave it overnight. You can put on compresses every day while your ear hurts. Camphor alcohol, half diluted with water, is also suitable for a compress. Garlic oil 1. Folk herbalists recommend such a remedy for the treatment of otitis media - mix in equal parts by volume the garlic, crushed into gruel, and vegetable oil, insist in a tightly sealed container in sunlight or in a warm place for 10 days, periodically shaking the contents, let stand, strain , add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or glycerin. For otitis media, drip a few drops into the sore ear. Warm up the garlic oil before use. The oil should be instilled carefully and slowly. 2. In case of otitis media and earache, put a little garlic oil on a cotton wick and put it in the ear as deep as possible. Wrap it with a woolen scarf on top, and put a bag of heated bran on top of the scarf, heating it as it cools. Garlic oil is prepared as follows: finely chop the garlic, fill a jar with it by 2/3 of its volume and pour vegetable oil to the top. Insist 10 days. Shaking occasionally, strain through several layers of gauze. Store the folk remedy in the refrigerator.

Otitis externa and middle. When infected with pathogens of the tympanic membrane, a pathological condition occurs, inflammation of the middle ear, or more scientifically, otitis media. Quite often, the disease is a complication of infectious diseases such as flu, colds, measles. Otitis externa occurs as a result of infection penetrating the skin of the external […]



VIOLET FOR COUGH. Violet is a plant popularly known as pansies. It has repeatedly confirmed the effectiveness of coughs of various nature. For treatment, violet flowers are used, which have a rich useful composition, which contains: essential oil; vitamin C; salicylic and ursolic acids; saponins; flavonoids; carotenoids. But to preserve these substances and get the […]



TREATMENT OF GAYMORITIS. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that can also affect the bony walls of the maxillary sinuses. Most often, the symptoms of acute inflammation, which flows into a chronic form, are found in children, but a person of any age can find them in himself.

Marshmallow for cough.

Marshmallow for cough.

Marshmallow for cough. Marshmallow for cough. Since ancient times, marshmallow has been used as a remedy in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, which is due to its properties to facilitate the release of phlegm and relieve inflammation. The use of the plant for pulmonary diseases was mentioned by the ancient Greek military […]

If chronic bronchitis.

If chronic bronchitis.

If chronic bronchitis. If chronic bronchitis. Birch buds enhance expectoration, act as an antibacterial drug. They strengthen the immune system: the body responds better to treatment and copes with the disease. As a diaphoretic, birch buds help with elevated temperatures. If the cough is wet, wild rosemary will thin the mucus and make it easier […]

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