Cinnamon will help to heal cancer.

Cinnamon will help to heal cancer.

Lung cancer treatment.

Australian scientists conducted scientific research on the antitumor effect of cinnamon and concluded. Cinnamon is a wonderful antitumour agent. Even at the advanced stages of oncological diseases cinnamon can render the essential help.

How to take cinnamon for tumors?

In a glass of hot water, add cinnamon on the tip of the knife, stir for 5 minutes. Then add a teaspoon of honey and drink slowly. Every day one glass of this medicine is drunk.

This medicine is useful not only for the oncological patient, but for those who want to lose weight. In addition, it improves digestion, treats joint diseases, dissolves cholesterol plaques. That is useful at
atherosclerosis. Promotes memory improvement.

Month — the shortest course of taking such a medicine from cinnamon, after which you can feel the result of treatment. However, with the onset of cancer, it should take much longer.

Did you know that cinnamon is smeared with freckles and bruises. Cinnamon in a mixture with a weak solution of vinegar helps to dissolve acne on the skin.

Avicenna wrote that cinnamon helps from lichens and ulcers. I remember one actress told how she was rescued by a cinnamon on the set of the film. Her face was irritated, reddened.

The next day, she certainly had to look good. In the evening she mixed with a sour cream a pinch of ground cinnamon. I put this mixture on my face in the form of a mask for 20 minutes.

The next morning all the redness, all the inflammation disappeared from the skin. So it helped cinnamon!

With a cold. Cinnamon will help to heal cancer.

In the nose can be started up with either water infusion or cinnamon oil solution.

To prepare a water infusion of cinnamon: a pinch of its powder stir in a glass of warm water.

To get an oil infusion: Take a glass of vegetable oil and take a teaspoon of cinnamon. Stir. Allow to infuse for 10-14 days.

Cinnamon oil in butter: a teaspoon of cinnamon and 200 g of butter. You can mix with a mixer. Then spread this oil on a thin layer on the bread and use it as a medicine.

As Avicenna wrote, ingestion of cinnamon inward promotes resorption of the thorns on the eye.

Cinnamon is useful for the liver: it opens the blockages of the hepatic ducts and strengthens the liver. The use of cinnamon in food clears the liver of the existing intoxications. Eliminates stagnant phenomena in the liver.

The use of cinnamon helps with diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Eliminates
from a cough and clears the chest. For these purposes, it is advisable to prepare cinnamon with milk. On a glass of hot milk, add cinnamon on the tip of the knife (you can and slightly more — by eye), mix and drink before going to bed.


Cinnamon will help to heal cancer

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