Cognac for varicose veins.

Cognac for varicose veins.

An alcoholic drink is considered an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Every morning it is recommended to drink fifty milliliters of brandy and eat one apple. The procedure is performed some time before breakfast.

Therapy is not suitable for socially active people.

Bee treatment

Recommended to eliminate deep vein varicose veins. The bee sting should be carried out into the external venous node. At first, a person may experience pain and burning, but after a few sessions, the protruding nodes begin to decrease.
Using the technique without prior approval by a professional is dangerous.

Lemon and garlic extract

In the restoration of blood vessels and the fight against cholesterol plaques, a folk remedy from garlic and lemon helps. Using a meat grinder, grind four lemons (together with the peel) and four cloves of garlic. The mass is transferred to a glass container and poured with warm water in an amount of three liters. It is kept at room temperature for three days, shaking the contents of the container several times a day. After filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Use the hood three times in 100 ml during a meal. Treatment is performed until four banks of the drug are used up. The break between courses lasts ten days.

Cognac for varicose veins.


The use of a treatment magnet for varicose veins reduces the risk of thrombosis. Official medicine offers therapy through a special device, the effect of which is to use a static or alternating magnetic field. At home, it is customary to use a magnetic bracelet. To achieve a visible result, the bracelet should be worn constantly for a long time. The place is the wrist joint. It is there, according to folk healers, that important energy points are concentrated, on which exposure to a magnet is necessary.
The use of a magnet for varicose veins is a serious matter. Not only pregnant women, but also people with heart problems, blood diseases and mental disorders will have to abandon the venture.


In the absence of trophic ulcers massage the lower extremities. In the process use a special oil, which should be prepared at home. The recipe is: 3 dessert spoons of grape seed oil, a similar amount of jojoba oil and eight drops of lemon, mint, geranium oil. The oils are mixed. Before applying to the affected areas, they are heated by rubbing in the palms of the hands. The movements during the massage should be neat. Direction — from the foot to the top.
Another composition used for massage involves the mixing of one drop of immortelle essential oil, four — basil, one each — cypress and pear.


For the treatment of internal varicose veins, the mummy is taken in an amount of 0.2 g per day. The course is ten days. After a five-day break, treatment is resumed. A total of about four courses are shown.
For the treatment of testicles, the mummy is taken at 150 mg per day, diluted in a glass of water and divided into two doses.

Healthy foods

Seafood (fatty fish, shrimp, mussels, etc.) must be present in the diet of a person with varicose veins, providing the body with protein synthesis and, as a result, the elasticity of blood vessels. Equally important are salads from fresh vegetables, beef liver and sea kale. For breakfast, it is better to use porridge — buckwheat, semolina or rice.


Folk doctors recommend treating varicose veins of the lower extremities with dew. In the morning before sunrise, you need to put on cotton socks and walk along the dew-strewn grass. Socks should be well saturated with moisture. After sunrise, wear socks until they are completely dry.

Cognac for varicose veins.

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