Compresses for dermatitis.

Compresses for dermatitis.

Depending on the cause of development, severity and localization, dermatitis is divided into types: atopic (damage to the skin of the hands), seborrheic (difficult exit of sebum), allergic, eczematous, toxic, contact, perioral, varicose, diaper, sun, radiation, infectious.
Similar to baths, compresses should be used until relief occurs. This method helps to quickly relieve local symptoms.

1. Against atopic dermatitis, a raw potato compress is used. Tubers are washed and peeled, rubbed on a fine grater. The mass is transferred to cheesecloth and squeezed juice. The remaining slurry is applied to the affected areas, a gauze bandage is applied on top and wrapped with cling film. The compress is left overnight. Can be used for children.

2. Ground propolis is added to 4 tbsp. l olive oil. The mixture is placed in a heated oven for 45 minutes. After poured into a jar. The tool moistens cotton pads, which are then applied to the inflamed dermis twice a day.
Propolis can cause deterioration if a person is intolerant of beekeeping products. Before use, it is worth passing an express test.

3. Grind the pulp of the pumpkin, squeeze the juice. The resulting slurry is laid on cheesecloth, wrapped. Apply to a sore spot and wrap with cling film. Leave for 20 minutes. Repeat after 7 hours. Pumpkin can be replaced with fresh cucumber. The effect promises to be similar. Alternation is also possible.

4. For pruritus it is recommended that the leaves of the marsh cherub are considered anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. Leaves are poured with boiling water, crushed to a state of gruel. After the slurry is placed between two layers of gauze and applied to the dermis. Top cover with cling film. Hold the compress for about an hour, repeating several times a day.

5. Five fresh leaves of plantain are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry is mixed with red wine. In the mass, gauze is moistened, which is then applied to inflammation. Hold for 5-10 minutes, repeating three times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Compresses for dermatitis.

6. Aloe-based compress can remove stains. 200 grams of crushed leaves are placed in a dark place for 12 hours. After mixed with 150 grams of castor oil and 50 milliliters of red wine. Some of the funds received are put on gauze and placed on the epidermis. Leave on for twenty minutes. Treated for three weeks.

7. Take equally the leaves of the plantain of the large and yarrow, thoroughly washed and crushed. The resulting slurry is wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected area. Compress is used for irritation of the dermis, as it is endowed with an antiseptic effect.

8. An effective remedy in the fight against severe itching and irritation is considered ordinary black tea. Used bags three times a day are recommended to be applied to sore spots, including skin on the face and fingers. The recipe is suitable for children.
Advice is completely useless.

9. For the treatment of oral inflammation, use this mixture: 20 ml of honey is mixed with 20 ml of linseed oil and 10 ml of onion juice. It is kept on low heat for several minutes. Cool and apply on face. Cover with a gauze bandage on top and wait half an hour.

10. With seborrheic dermatitis at home, they fight with a mixture of castor oil and tincture of calendula (1: 5). Apply to a cotton swab and apply to the affected areas of the scalp.

11. To 500 ml of milk add 200 grams of walnut leaves. Cook to a thick mass and filter. Use twice a day: moisten a cotton pad in the product and apply to the epidermis for a short time.

Compresses for dermatitis.

12. Take four tablespoons of a mixture of herb cucumber and borage. Grind, pour a cup of freshly boiled water and let stand for a quarter of an hour. A strained product is used to moisten gauze, which after wrapping fingers or extremities affected by eczema. The time of the procedure is half an hour. Repeat as often as possible.

13. On a grater chop the medium-sized onion. Add a teaspoon of burdock oil. Using a cotton pad, the mixture is applied to the scalp with seborrheic dermatitis after washing. They put on a swimming cap in the pool and stand it for half an hour. Wash off with warm water without using shampoo. Instead of onions, garlic can be used.
The event can be held only in the absence of the need to lead an active social life. The aroma emanating from the hair after application of onion or garlic is retained for more than two days.

14. For the treatment of scalp use gruel from garlic (head), nettle leaves of dioecious and linseed oil in two tbsp. l Mixed products are applied to a cotton pad, which are passed along the scalp, performing pressure movements. After putting on a rubber hat. After half an hour, the compress is washed off with a decoction of birch buds. The recipe is especially effective in the dry form of seborrhea.

15. For different types of dermatitis, celandine juice is useful, which is diluted with water 1: 2 and applied to the epidermis with a cotton pad. Action time — 10 minutes.

Celandine is a poisonous plant. Its juice should be used only after an express test for the reaction of the dermis.

Compresses for dermatitis.

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