Compresses from an ulcer.

Compresses from an ulcer.

1. In a solid oil, a piece of soft tissue is impregnated. Hold the compress for two days. Helps to quickly get rid of itchy wounds on the lower leg.

2. Four fried hazel kernels are ground into powder. Combine with two cooked yolks of chicken eggs dried in a hot pan. A teaspoon of iodoform is introduced. The mass is applied to the cleared trophic ulcer and incubated for 1.5 hours. Then it is bandaged and left for two days.

3. To get rid of a painful wound on the legs, a mixture of the following components is intended: a dessert spoon of potato starch, a quarter dessert spoon of citric acid and 50 ml of cool moisture. After mixing, the components are poured into a glass of boiling water. Put on fire and wait for the mass to become thick. After injected a few small spoons of dried mash. After a couple of hours, filter and add to the thick a teaspoon of iodine 5%. The resulting mass is spread on cheesecloth. The compress is not held for long, since the mass should not freeze. Repeat three sets per day.

4. On the skin of the legs affected by ulcers, for forty-five minutes, spread gruel from the pulp of pumpkin or potato twice. Cover with a scarf.

5. In boiling water, fresh leaves of wild strawberries are steamed well. Compresses with raw materials are carried out three times, continuing the session for 35 minutes.

Compresses from an ulcer.

6. The recipe for the use of sleepy lichen. Take a couple of spoons of raw materials per mug of boiling water. A couple of hours insist under the lid. In strained infusion, the tissue is moistened, limbs are applied to the skin and bandaged with a bandage. Change the compress every few hours.

7. Aloe leaves are cut along. Apply to the skin of the legs where the disease has formed, or to the eye, if there is a corneal ulcer, and fix it with a bandage. Cover with a handkerchief. Once a day is enough. Hold for 1 hour.

8. To permanently rid themselves of trophic ulcers, tomatoes are recommended. Surely sour! They are cut, applied to places of inflammation and covered with a scarf. Fix with an elastic bandage for a day. The treatment will be long — about several months.

9. Take a tablespoon of goat fat. Combine with a couple of tablespoons of salt and add a handful of chopped onions. Wipe the mass through a sieve and spread on a bandage. The compress is kept on the wound for a day.
During the procedure, the patient may experience a burning sensation in the affected area.

10. In the case of the formation of a trophic ulcer on the leg, use a compress with sugar. It is ground into powder and poured onto gauze with a thick layer. Hold on foot for two hours. Change the bandage twice.

Compresses from an ulcer.

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