Compresses from mastopathy.

Compresses from mastopathy.

Compresses performed at home fight the soreness of the mammary glands affected by mastopathy, relieve swelling and eliminate general discomfort. The course is usually continued for two weeks, and if necessary, repeated.

1. For fibrocystic pathology, burdock leaves are used. They are washed and steamed a little. They are applied to the chest at night, fixing with cling film and a scarf.

2. If a diffuse form of the disease is diagnosed, such a preparation is prepared: 100 grams of freshly chopped burdock root is combined with 100 ml of fresh honey, a similar amount of castor oil and the juice of several lemons. The finished mass is laid out on a piece of linen and laid on the chest. Leave for the night.

3. Another recipe for the treatment of diffuse type of pathology. The leaves of white cabbage are crushed in a blender. Add to yogurt until a mushy state is obtained. The mass laid out on the canvas is applied to the chest and left for an hour. Helps relieve pain. The recipe can be used for mastopathy in men.

4. With nodular mastopathy, leaves of coltsfoot are combined with burdock greens and applied to the chest, leaving overnight.

5. A glass of warm water is poured into half of a glass of highlander pepper for 10 hours. After filtration, the linen cloth is moistened with infusion, with which the chest is wrapped. The duration of the compress is sixty minutes. Repeat twice a day. In this way, diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy is treated.

6. In a saline solution (ten grams of salt per 100 ml of water) a piece of cotton cloth is wetted. Put it in the form of a compress on the chest and leave until morning, after covering it with a towel or scarf.
Wet compresses with mastopathy only make it worse, because they cool the skin.

7. Before going to bed, a fresh cabbage leaf greased with honey or butter is applied to the mammary glands in women and men.

Compresses from mastopathy.

8. Rub the large beets, previously peeling. The gruel is placed on the chest, over covering with polyethylene and a scarf. Go with a compress for at least two hours. Up to three treatments are recommended per day.

9. Add a tablespoon of bird mountaineer to a glass of hot moisture. When infused, filter. A piece of tissue is moistened in the infusion. Apply to the mammary glands for one hour, performing sessions four times a day.

10. To 300 ml of boiling water add two pinches of large-leaf gentian. Thirty minutes later, filtered. The napkins soaked in infusion are applied to the chest, leaving for three hours.

11. A tablespoon of St. John’s wort greens is added to a cup of boiled liquid for 30 minutes. After filtration, the infusion is used for compresses lasting two hours.

12. Melilotus officinalis in an amount of 20 g is steamed with a cup of boiling water. Filter after 2 hours and use for compresses. The exposure time is 1 hour. Three sessions should be done per day.

13. To a half liter of wheat vodka add a couple of large spoons of meadow clover inflorescences. After ten days, squeeze and apply as directed.

14. In a proportion of one to one, camphor oil and alcohol are mixed. Impregnated with a piece of tissue. Apply to the mammary gland and leave for thirty minutes. The recipe is successfully used when a 2-sided form of the disease occurs.
Warming compresses, which include the proposed one, are prohibited even with a healthy breast.

Compresses from mastopathy.

15. A multilayer gauze dressing is impregnated with heated castor oil. The exposure time of such a compress is 2.5 hours.

16. Take ten large spoons of chopped cabbage leaves. Pour in three glasses of yogurt, preferably homemade. The resulting mass is spread on the chest, covering with a food film on top. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Spend three sessions a day.

17. Five large spoons of wormwood inflorescences are poured with three large spoons of boiling water overnight, thus steaming the plant. Apply mass to the chest for a quarter of an hour twice a day.

18. A slurry prepared by chopping fresh carrots is applied to a piece of tissue. Use for a compress several times a day. Similarly, it is recommended to use pumpkin.
A compress of such a plan will help relieve pain, but curing mastopathy with it will not work.

19. Mix 50 g of celandine, 100 g of coltsfoot and white mistletoe. A kilogram of rye flour and whey are added. Knead is not very cool dough. A cake is formed, which is applied to the diseased mammary gland at night. Fix the compress with cling film.

20. Two large tablespoons of oak bark are steamed with 300 ml of boiling water. On a steam bath they languish for about half an hour. In a strained composition, a handkerchief is moistened. Apply to chest and hold for 4 hours.
The substances contained in the oak bark are not able to penetrate the skin, so the compress is completely useless.

Compresses from mastopathy.

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