Diet during pregnancy.

Diet during pregnancy.

Diet during pregnancy implies, first of all, a balanced diet, which allows mother and baby to receive a complete set of all the necessary substances. It is proper nutrition that can protect the unborn child from many problems. Reduces the risk of the appearance of most pathologies and diseases in him.

Diet during pregnancy requires for a woman to get as many vitamins and minerals as possible. This is especially true for iron, iodine, calcium, zinc, folic acid and unsaturated fatty acids. The need for vitamins generally increases by 50-80%. However, the introduction of this all into the body cannot be achieved by a simple increase in the volume of a portion of a standard diet before pregnancy.

The fact is that the amount of food per day can be increased by only the equivalent of 300 kcal, otherwise the mom will begin to have problems with being overweight, which will negatively affect the baby. Diet during pregnancy should have the most balanced diet, the goal of which is not to lose weight, but whose goal is to increase the efficiency of the nutrition process.

Diet for pregnant women should be based on several rules.

1. The diet should be diverse. You can not get hung up on one product. Since a product has not yet been invented that would contain everything necessary for a person. Only the breadth of the diet will provide you with a full variety of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

2. White bread must be replaced with wholemeal bread. Which contains 5 times more vitamins, minerals and cellulose.

3. It is necessary to increase the consumption of lean meat and poultry. These foods must be eaten with vegetables. They will help the absorption of iron contained in meat.

4. It is necessary to increase the consumption of fish. As a source of protein. It must be consumed at least 2-4 times a week.

5. The amount of sunflower oil should be increased to one tablespoon. Since this product is a valuable source of unsaturated fatty acids.

6. Be sure to eat dairy products. They are an excellent source of protein, B vitamins and calcium. Eat milk and other low-fat foods. You will not add extra pounds to your body. And bring him only great benefit. In addition, fermented milk products will help you organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially useful in your case.

Diet involves fasting days.

Even if you have everything in order with the weight, then do not neglect this rule. Especially this cannot be done if you have extra pounds that you do not need at all during pregnancy. Fasting days will bring you other benefits: they will save you from edema, characteristic of later stages of pregnancy and normalize high blood pressure.

Unloading must be carried out, in consultation with a doctor. For pregnant women, their frequency should not exceed once every 7-10 days and unloading is usually prescribed after the 28th week. One of the simplest fasting day menus consists of 1.5 kg of green apples, which must be eaten in 5-6 sets.

Another simple recipe for unloading says that 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 1 liter of low-fat kefir must be eaten in 5-6 meals.

It is also advisable to keep some commandments that can help you during your fasting days.

Eating 5-6 times a day;
The last meal should be no later than 18.00;
Intervals between doses are recommended 3-4 hours;
The day after unloading you should not take heavy food. It is advisable to limit yourself to boiled and fresh vegetables, cereals on the water, kefir, etc.

A vegetarian diet during pregnancy is an effective means of weight loss, but not the best solution for a future mother. The fact is that such a diet is characterized by a deficiency of protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12, which can adversely affect the development of the fetus. The protein contained in meat can be easily replaced with soy milk, brown rice, tofu, yogurt, but for the other elements, only the vitamin complex can become an adequate replacement.

The diet is vegetarian.

Grocery list:

8-10 servings of raw or boiled vegetables, 125 g each;
8-10 servings of fresh fruit 125 g each;
6-10 servings of 125 g of cereal, bran bread and oatmeal;
6-10 servings of boiled beans 125 g each;
4 cups of soy milk;
4 servings of juice of 125 g;
berries, yogurt, eggs, nuts and seeds.

Diet during pregnancy must necessarily contain berries, they contain the greatest number of vitamins and minerals. In summer, enjoy fresh berries with pleasure, and in winter, be sure to eat frozen berries, compotes and jelly from them, as well as fruit drinks.

Diet requires the consumption of cereals and legumes. They will provide the body with essential amino acids. An important role is played by their great energy value. Beans, beans and lentils also help to remove toxins. And toxins from our body.

Soy milk and juice will bring you vitamin D. Yogurt — calcium, probiotics and good bacteria. With the help of which the work of your gastrointestinal tract will be better.

Eggs are a great source of protein. The seeds contain a large number of trace elements. Nuts are a storehouse of proteins, fats and minerals. Diet should be as balanced as possible. Pass under the supervision of a doctor. Appointed with his consent. Only in this case is there a guarantee. Your actions will only benefit you and your unborn child.


Diet during pregnancy.

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