Diet for cholecystitis.

Diet for cholecystitis.

The development of gallbladder inflammation is directly related to the characteristics of the diet, so the prerequisite for the treatment of the disease and well-being becomes a rational diet.

It should contain all the necessary nutrients for the body, promote the liquefaction of bile and eliminate inflammation. It is desirable to choose the method of cooking, which has the least load on the digestive organs.

The list of allowed products for cholecystitis includes:

Poultry and meat of lean varieties, seafood, fish, sausages of the highest grade, not containing spicy seasonings and lard. No more than 1 chicken yolk may be eaten daily.

Fresh non-sour fruits, vegetables and a variety of greens. These products are valuable sources of vitamins, dietary fiber and trace elements. Especially useful for cholelithiasis are pears, they contribute to the recovery, so their consumption can be increased.

The diet can include cereals, especially oat and buckwheat are shown, as well as pasta. From them you can prepare porridges, puddings and casseroles.

Lean dairy products and nonacidic, such as fat-free cottage cheese, sour cream, low-fat cheeses. Yogurts with bifidobacteria will serve as a prevention of intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Bread is recommended to eat dried or slightly stale, with a preference for cereals and products with bran. Allowed unflavored cookies.

Natural vegetable oils that have not been refined, olive oil is particularly useful.

Of sweets you can afford marshmallows, jams, marmalade.

Drinks include rosehip decoction, kissels, sweet fruit compotes and juices, coffee with milk and weak tea. The use of beet juice half a glass twice a day greatly reduces the risk of painful attacks in cholecystitis. The consumption of chicory has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gallbladder, so drinks from it are recommended to include in the diet.

The use of turmeric in cooking will stop inflammation in the gallbladder and enhance the diversion of bile.

Diet for cholecystitis.

What can’t be eaten with cholecystitis?

People who suffer from this disease should avoid foods that irritate the mucosa, increase cholesterol and make digestion difficult. Saturated fats are strictly forbidden.

Foods prohibited for patients with cholelithiasis:

Fatty varieties of pork, lamb, goose, duck, high-fat fish, lard, liver and kidneys.

Peas, beans and other legumes.
Sour fruits and berries

Radishes, spinach, sorrel, onions, and garlic, whose essential oils irritate the walls of the stomach.
Mushrooms should also be given up.

Canned foods, caviar (fish), smoked meats and marinades.
Baked dough products, pastries, especially fresh ones, cocoa products, chocolate, ice cream, and greasy cream.

Spices, vinegar, hot sauces and rich meat and even fish broths and fried foods.

It is not recommended to drink alcohol, carbonated drinks and strong coffee.
You should exclude horseradish and mustard from the menu.

Excessive consumption of sugar leads to the deterioration of bile composition and biliary excretion, so its daily rate should not exceed 70 grams, taking into account its content in dishes, it is about 9 teaspoons. The permissible amount of salt intake does not exceed 10 g.

Menu for cholecystitis

When drawing up a daily menu, it is necessary to take into account some rules inherent in the diet for cholecystitis:

The total daily volume of food should not exceed 3.5 kg, taking into account fluid intake.

Reception of food should be frequent, once 5 times a day at a strictly set time, but portions do not need to be large. Such a measure will improve the outflow of bile and regulate its production.

The three main meals are interspersed with two additional meals, in which sandwiches, fruit and allowed drinks can be used as a snack.

It is important to choose the right way to prepare the food. Boiling and steaming are preferable, baking is allowed, but in this case no additional fat or oil should be used.

So that the extractives in the meat and fish do not irritate the liver, these foods are steamed or cooked in water. The resulting broth can not be eaten during an exacerbation of cholecystitis, and in remission — occasionally. Before cooking, the meat is cleaned of membranes and sinews, and the poultry is freed of skin.

Vegetable oils have a choleretic effect, but they can be added only to the ready dish and must not be heated in order to avoid losing their useful properties.

The temperature of the food before eating should be moderate (no less than 15? C and no more than 62? C), too hot or cold dishes can provoke an attack.

Vegetables should be eaten raw and cooked with every meal. Fruit should definitely be part of the daily menu, especially avocados.

Only fresh and natural products may be used for cooking.

Diet for cholecystitis.

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