Diet for high cholesterol.

Diet for high cholesterol.

Cholesterol — liposoluble substance belonging to lipids. About 80% of cholesterol produced by the liver, and only a small portion comes into contact with the products of animal origin. Diet for high cholesterol.

Diet for high cholesterol.

Cholesterol word of Greek origin (chole -zhelch, stereo — hard, hard), because it was first discovered in solid form in gallstones. Cholesterol is a material of construction of cell membranes in large quantities stored in the liver, brain and muscles. He takes part in the development of sex hormones and provides antioxidants the body tissue, and used for the production of bile acids needed for digestion of fats.

In the blood cholesterol is transported not in a pure form, and in compounds in which there are two types — low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL). In violation of the ratio of LDL and HDL there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. To determine the level of lipoproteins, the following indicators should be considered: the amount of HDL and LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides.

Diet for high cholesterol.

If cholesterol value reaches a dangerous level, as a result of which begins to develop atherosclerosis, you must use a doctor’s prescription and along with conservative treatment diet, promotes the removal of excess cholesterol from the body and keeping it in the required amount in the future.

If high cholesterol should be to maximize the consumption of fresh vegetables consumed simultaneously with the meat, their number should include: cabbage, pumpkin, beets, radishes. Butter substitute vegetable, and whole milk — low-fat. At week to eat no more than two eggs. Eat seafood and fish oil, as the presence of the omega-3 fatty acids, promotes excretion of «harmful» cholesterol. Particularly useful are cherries, raspberries, black and red currants.

We offer an indicative list and the number of products under elevated cholesterol level for the day:
— 100 g of fish or lean meat, chicken or rabbit better;
— 200-300 g of any cereal (except semolina);
— green tea;
— One serving of yogurt, yogurt or cottage cheese with a minimum fat content;
— 50 g of cheese;
— A glass of freshly squeezed juice (vegetable or fruit);
— Fresh fruits and vegetables.

We should not forget that physical exercise and fresh air, too, play an important role in normalizing cholesterol rates.


Diet for high cholesterol.

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