Drops from a fungus.

Drops from a fungus.

Drops from a fungus. With otomycosis, treatment at home is performed with the help of personally prepared drops. As a rule, therapy is continued until discomfort disappears.

Drops from a fungus.

1. Antifungal effect is given to onion juice. Use three drops, repeating twice a day, for five days.
The use of onion juice can cause burns to the ear canal.

2. Prepare freshly squeezed celandine juice. Buried in a sore ear three times in 24 hours, repeating two days.
Celandine juice is poisonous. Its contact with the mucous membrane can lead to disastrous consequences in the form of a burn or poisoning.

Drops from a fungus.

Drops from a fungus. With otomycosis, treatment at home is performed with the help of personally prepared drops. As a rule, therapy is continued until discomfort disappears.

3. Dining room pharmacy chamomile flowers are steamed with a glass of boiling water. When the liquid gets a good yellow color, squeeze. Use four drops a day, continuing treatment until recovery.

4. In equal shares combine the leaves of bird cherry and bay leaf and 1 tbsp. l boil in a glass of moisture for 10 minutes. Filter and instill three times a day in two doses.

5. Several walnut kernels are pounded in a mortar. Must show the juice. It is instilled into the ear in several doses twice. Treatment is not stopped until relief appears.


The use of home ointments is recommended after steaming the skin or nails, since the effectiveness of therapy depends on this. The term of use of each ointment is different. Folk healers offer to be treated until the discomfort and signs of the disease disappear.

1. In a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1, 70% acetic acid, glycerin, olive oil and dimethyl phthalate are mixed. Daily, the ointment is applied to the affected areas of the nail fungus, keeping up to ten hours. Wash off with laundry soap.

2. A vinegar essence is poured into a 200-gram jar. A raw chicken egg is dropped there. The eggs are kept in a dark place until the eggs are completely dissolved. After add a little vegetable oil. The ointment is considered finished. Apply to areas affected by onychomycosis in the morning and evening until the end of the drug.

3. A tablespoon of table salt is added to a bunch of well-crushed mint. The ointment is applied for an hour to the nails affected by the fungus, repeating until cured.

4. A pinch of soda is added to homemade sour cream. The ointment is applied to the skin or nails twice a day, continuing the course for a week. During this time, cracks, itching, compaction disappear.

Drops from a fungus.

Drops from a fungus. With otomycosis, treatment at home is performed with the help of personally prepared drops. As a rule, therapy is continued until discomfort disappears.

5. In eliminating epidermophytosis, an ointment from horse sorrel root and sour cream, crushed to a powder, helps (1 tbsp each). Apply twice a day. Warm water is washed off after twenty minutes.

6. Take a tablespoon of cream from homemade milk, add a fresh egg and about a hundred grams of tar birch. The mass is transferred to a glass jar and sent to the refrigerator. Used to treat onycho- and dermatomycosis, imposing on the affected area once a day. The course is two months.

7. Cut fir branches. Stacked in a 300 gram glass container, alternating with butter. On top of the container is covered with foil. Sent in a preheated oven for five hours. Choked at low temperatures. Filter. Used to treat the feet, the area between the fingers, groin. Therapy is carried out until the end of the drug. Store ointment in the refrigerator. Thus they get rid of the disease once and for all.

8. 100 g of petroleum jelly is placed in an enameled container and simmered in a water bath. When melted, allow to cool, after which about twenty grams of propolis is introduced. Again returned to the water bath. Stir until the mixture acquires a uniform consistency. Apply a folk remedy to the skin anywhere in the morning and evening, continuing treatment until the ointment is over.

Drops from a fungus.

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