First, a beautiful and thin waist is impossible without healthy internal organs. If your intestines are clogged with slags, and your stomach is prohibitively stretched, you will never achieve a flat stomach. Since these bodies will take up too much space.

Even intensive exercises and swinging the press will not help here. Therefore, first of all we are adjusting the digestion! We clean the intestines with a salad of cabbage, carrots and apples. It should be eaten on an empty stomach for several days. Do not add oil or any spices.

What is the diet.

In order for the stomach to be flat, you need to adjust your diet. So, eating at night a large amount of food will lead to a stretching of the stomach. Naturally there will be a blockage of further pathways of the digestive system due to inadequate digestion of the consumed food.

Therefore, you need a hearty breakfast. This is a must for every day! Breakfast will help you to start the work of the digestive tract. Also give energy for the first half of the day. Then you should have a fairly tight lunch. Dinner to make quite easy.


Therefore, you need a hearty breakfast. This is a must for every day! Breakfast will help you to start the work of the digestive tract. Also give energy for the first half of the day. Then you should have a fairly tight lunch. Dinner to make quite easy.

To avoid overeating. During the day it is worthwhile to arrange healthy snacks. For example, a boiled egg with whole-grain toast, an apple, dried fruits, nuts.

How much to drink water.

Drink more water — this is also important. The fact is that water, not only perfectly removes toxins. Also responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes.
For example, water is also responsible for the feeling of hunger. If you use less fluid than you need. The body often takes this for a lack of nutrients and is sounding the alarm. You begin to keenly want to eat.

Avoid stress and sleep more. During stress, a special hormone is produced. He is responsible for the deposition of fat in the waist area. Therefore, restful sleep in a ventilated room should be a prerequisite of your daily routine.

Use vitamin C, it perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Do not be surprised if shaking the press every day, you do not notice the obvious results. This may be due to the fact that the pumped up muscles are not visible due to the accumulated layer of fat, which can only be removed with the help of aerobic exercise. So running, dancing or swimming is your choice!

Keep your back straight — for the waist are responsible not only the abdominal muscles and abdomen, but also direct posture and back muscles, which will help the body to support internal organs. Watch for yourself and not slouch.

Of course, the abdominal muscles should also be pumped, not only straight but also lateral. True, it is better not to overdo it with the latter, since for girls with a little pronounced waist they can only aggravate the problem and make the waist less noticeable.

Massage is not the last thing on the way to a thin waist and a flat stomach! Massage problem areas with a hard washcloth during each shower, as this will help speed up the metabolism and remove excess fluid and fat.



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