Help for rheumatism.

Rheumatic arthritis. Inflammatory rheumatism.

Help for rheumatism.

Rheumatic fever — is infectious and allergic disease, mainly affecting the cardiovascular system. With proper treatment of rheumatism can be cured quickly. Help for rheumatism.
Here are the most frequently used methods of treatment.

Tea made from alfalfa grass drink before going to bed as a painkiller (1 hr. Teaspoon per cup).

It is also helpful to drink tea with apple cider vinegar or with a small amount of honey.

Garlic tincture on vodka take 10 drops 2-3 times a day.

In rheumatoid arthritis need to limit salt intake and carbohydrates:
sugar, white bread, potatoes. It is easy to take care of the food.

Tincture of aconite 10-15% is used for rubbing and applications. Tincture rubbed dry or lightly moistened with aconite apply a bandage overnight. Sore spot wrapped in flannel, and on top of woolen cloth.
On the morning of the cast is removed, and the affected area quickly wipe with a damp towel.
If painful rheumatism properties with swelling of the joints, the massaging is done daily 4-5 weeks. If there are sores in the affected areas, should not be afraid — this is evidence that the tincture has an effect. But with the appearance of ulcers at the time of rubbing should stop and continue after the healing of ulcers.

Labrador tea is also used orally in the form of infusion.
Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rosemary sprigs and insist 2 hours in 1.2 liters of boiling water. Drink warm 1/2 cup before eating.


Help for rheumatism.


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