High blood pressure

Herbs from the pressure.

High blood pressure. Hypertension treatment.

Hypertension spread throughout the world at an alarming rate. High blood pressure — it is not just an ordinary disease, but a sign of the state of humanity. Think about it, how many of your relatives, friends and acquaintances are faced with hypertension, and you will agree with me.

High blood pressure.

But the disease can be overcome, and we will contribute to the traditional medicine:

• Bath with a decoction of valerian — 0.5 kg of the root for a full bath.

• Eat 50 grams of black chokeberry fruits a day for 30 minutes before meals for 10 days. In winter you can use the infusion chernoplodki — 2-4 Art. spoon fruits to fill in a thermos 2 cups boiling water, to drink the next day in 3 divided doses for 30 minutes before eating.

• Drink a glass of red bilberry fruit juice daily.

• Two cups of cranberry knead with 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar; taken daily for an hour before a meal. Or boil two cups of mashed cranberries half cup of sugar and a glass of water, strain and drink tea instead.

• Prepare an infusion of dried blueberries: 4. Teaspoons dried berries pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 8 hours. Drink throughout the day.

• Prepare the following herbal mixture: Sophora japonica flowers, geranium meadow grass and grass Stachys sylvatica — 10 g, grass and flowers of white clover — 5 g teaspoon of the mixture pour 150 ml boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, drink hot with honey or jam. Take 2 times a day before meals and 3rd time at night after eating.

• 100 g of hawthorn fruit pour 2 cups of water in the evening. On the morning of the same water the fruit of long and boil, strain and drink the resulting broth.

• 3 large heads of garlic and 3 lemon grind in a meat grinder, pour a liter of boiling water and a quarter, close tightly and insisting for days, stirring occasionally. Strain and drink a tablespoon 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

• 100 g wheat grains wash, add water and put in a warm place. When will the shoots 1 mm in height, rinse again and mince, add honey. There in the morning on an empty stomach.


High blood pressure.

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