Immune system disorders.

Health Secret.

Strengthens the immune system.

Immune system disorders. One of my favorite tools is simply to prepare a composition useful for a mass of diseases. Strengthen the body: restore the immune system. Improve the composition of blood. Normalize the metabolism. Improve the work of the stomach, liver, gall bladder. Treatment of vascular vessels of the brain.. Immune system disorders.

To prepare the composition of the need to take 3 large lemons and 3 large garlic cloves. Garlic clean, lemons wash well and cut to remove the seeds. Then all together mince.

Put the mixture into a 3-liter jar, pour clean, better spring or well water. Tightly close the jar and leave for a day. Water should be poured 1.5 liters.

Strengthens the immune system.

After a day resulting strain through a sieve, and the thick squeeze through cheesecloth. Healing means to store in the refrigerator. Drink infusion of 50 grams in the morning before a meal within 30 minutes before bedtime. Infusions will last for 15 days. Then take a break and make another batch. The course of treatment for 3 months. Good repeat every year — your body, you will be grateful.

There are many traditional medicine. They are able to improve immunity. Most of them are quite safe. Suitable for adults and children alike.

So a wonderful effect gives tea from the fruits of hawthorn, dogrose and raspberry leaves. Grind thoroughly all the ingredients. Mix them, keeping in equal proportions. Spoon a table spoon of the finished collection with boiling water. Insist the drink under the lid until it cools down completely. After you strain. Sweeten with honey.

Even to strengthen the immunity of healers advise the prescription. Prepare the leaves of black currant, echinacea, lemon balm and strawberry. Also add useful wild rose hips. Grind all the ingredients. Connect them, keeping to an equal ratio. Spoon a table spoon of the collection in a thermos with a glass of boiling water. Insist in the thermos for three to five hours. Take the finished drink in small portions throughout the day. If desired, it can be sweetened with honey.

Immune system disorders.


Immune system disorders.

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