Impaired vision and blindness.

Visual impairment.

Impaired vision and blindness.

Impaired vision and blindness — a very dangerous diagnosis. Truly a window into the world can be called a person’s ability to see and behold. From visual acuity will depend on the quality of the perceived level of visual information. If we see around blurry and unclear, then, that the vision is not as sharp, and it can be stated impaired vision and blindness.

Impaired vision and blindness.

Vision can be exacerbated if to inhale the aromas of lemon, orange, geranium and rosemary. At dusk, sharpen eyesight helps blueberries. Its berries are also expanding the area of view, relieve eye fatigue, if you have to work under artificial light.

Impaired vision and blindness can be cured, if you take 40 grams of roots of calamus and grind, pour 200 ml of 40% alcohol solution, close the lid, let stand in a dark space for eight days. Then you need to press and filter the solution. Storage is possible only in the dark in tightly sealed jars.

Taking a drug that will not allow the weakening of vision and blindness, should be twice a day, 20 drops.

In spring it is recommended to cook green cabbage, should be added in which the leaves of nettle.

It should be added to the grated carrots food in large amounts when there is impaired vision and blindness. But if you have liver disease, you should not abuse the carrot.

Beets need to eat about 100-150 grams per day.

For breakfast, should eat porridge and drinking jelly from germinated wheat seeds.

Impaired vision and blindness.

If you insist on alcohol Schisandra fruit, they also contribute to an aggravation of view. However, it can not take high blood pressure, insomnia and cardiovascular diseases, even when ascertained impaired vision and blindness.

If the visual acuity is reduced often, you need to drink the juice of aloe. It acts as a stimulant. Take it should be one teaspoon twice a day for 20 days as a blood-purifying agent acts birch sap. His drink half a liter a day. You can use psyllium. Because it makes the infusion and squeeze fresh juice for lotions and washes. To make an infusion, when diagnosed with impaired vision and blindness, you need to take 3 tablespoons of herbs and dissolve in a glass of boiling water. Washing and lotions produce 4 or 6 times per day infusion of the kidneys or birch leaves. For such a solution will need to take 1 teaspoon of the kidneys, or 2 tablespoons of leaves and pour boiling water, leave for half an hour.

For lotions suit and the infusion of flowers of wild cherry, wild rosemary leaves and marigold flowers. One tablespoon of dried flowers have to pour a glass of boiling water and infuse.

Often applied to the eyes and pounded burdock root.

The infusion of laurel leaves is drunk every day to say goodbye forever to the disease (impaired vision and blindness). To do this 4 or 5 leaves pour ¼ cup of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, then removed the leaves.


Impaired vision and blindness.

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