Juices from atherosclerosis.

Juices from atherosclerosis.

Freshly squeezed juices are easy to make at home. According to adherents of alternative medicine, they are becoming a sure step on the path to a speedy recovery. Therapy is carried out as long as possible if there is no negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract.

1. Garlic juice is mixed with honey at the rate of one to two. Use every time before eating a dessert spoon.

2. In equal parts mix onion juice and honey. To reduce the symptoms of atherosclerosis, drink 1 tbsp. l up to five times a day.

3. A good folk remedy for eliminating the manifestations of the disease is potato juice. Take clean tubers, wash and pass through a meat grinder with a peel. The drug is indicated on an empty stomach. The recipe is especially good at treating cerebral atherosclerosis.

4. For the treatment of headaches and plaques, a mix of the juice of one lemon and orange is taken daily before breakfast, breeding one to one with warm water.

5. From the noise in the ears helps freshly squeezed juice of red currant berries. Drink по cup each time before eating.
It is better to refuse redcurrant with low blood coagulability.

6. Squeeze the juice from fresh cucumbers. Use a quarter of a glass every time before eating.

7. Freshly squeezed apple juice helps with plaques. Drink three times before meals ½ cup.

8. A similar action is given to peach juice. It is taken 30 minutes before meals in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

9. Take 4 kg of celery roots and leaves, 400 grams of garlic and the same amount of horseradish. Pass through a meat grinder and add eight chopped lemons. Stand for twelve hours in a warm place, and then placed in the refrigerator. Three days later, squeeze the juice. Take a dessert spoon before meals, repeating three times a day.

Juices from atherosclerosis.

10. Normalization of pressure contributes to lemon juice. Squeeze juice from half a lemon, mix with half a glass of water and drink before breakfast and dinner.
Undiluted lemon juice should not be consumed. Otherwise, unpleasant manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract are possible.

11. To normalize blood pressure, take the juice of strawberries or wild strawberries. A day requires 250 milliliters. The volume is divided into several doses and used before meals.

12. Blackcurrant juice acts in a similar way. It is extracted from fresh berries, mixed with water 1: 2 and drunk ½ cup twice a day.

13. When clogging vessels recommended grape juice. Drink half a glass a day. Advice is equally effective for memory disorders.

14. Horse chestnut helps to cope with the disease of the lower extremities and aorta. Juice from fresh flowers is taken three times a day for twenty drops.

15. In pathology, the juice of Jerusalem artichoke tubers is very useful. Take three times a day before meals, 100 ml.

16. In case of cerebral arteriosclerosis, it is useful to drink freshly squeezed beet juice. Gradually, the dose increases from a teaspoon to 200 ml per dose. Repeat three times a day before meals.
Beetroot juice can be harmful in kidney disease and urolithiasis.


17. For heart diseases, including atherosclerosis, it is recommended to use juice from fresh berries of white mulberry. Drink for three weeks, three tablespoons.

18. Tomato juice relieves spasms and eliminates headache. It is recommended to combine with honey — 1 tbsp. l A beekeeping product accounts for a glass of juice. The daily dose is 230 milliliters.

19. Pumpkin juice helps with tinnitus and dizziness. Drink ½ cup twice in twenty-four hours. If a clean drink is not well tolerated, you can dilute it.

20. Juice from fresh leaves of white cabbage is used in half a cup three times a day.

21. Improving memory contributes to the juice of woodlice. Use three times a day for 100 ml for a month.

22. Knead a half kilogram of ripe hawthorn fruit in a mortar, add a little water, heat and squeeze the juice with a juicer. Consume 15 ml three times before meals.

23. An effective tool in the treatment of atherosclerosis is called watermelon juice. Use half a cup three times.

Juices from atherosclerosis.

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