Make-up lessons.

Make-up lessons. How to make makeup correctly.

Make-up lessons. Most men think that naturalness is sexual!

But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon cosmetics.

Just make-up should be in the right color scheme.
In natural make-up, only natural colors should be used:
beige, pink, pale, light brown, serene gray.
This makeup will not «close» your face. It only emphasizes the natural beauty. Hide shortcomings.

The ability to correctly make up for the hair — the task is not from the lungs. But the one who could overpower it, always looks stunning.

Using light and dark shadows and tones, you can simulate and correct facial features. Dark colors of colors are narrowed, deepened and removed, and brightened, enlarged, enlarged and enlarged.

Apply makeup in bright daylight. Do not forget to wet the sponge slightly before shading the liquid tone.

Around the eyes and on the wings of the nose, use a tone for one shade lighter.

Blush is superimposed on those places that are most prominent when smiling.

Do not apply mascara to the lower eyelashes.

In a natural make-up it is better to use not lipstick, and the tinted lip gloss.
So how do you apply makeup? We suggest you familiarize yourself with the following technology of applying makeup below.

The technology of makeup.

Make-up is carried out in the following sequence.

1. Cleansing the face — a cotton swab on the massage lines with milk and tonic, removes dirt and skin discharge;

2. Applying a day cream — bold cream «stains» is applied to the face, and then stroking movements on massage lines distributed on the face and not washed off. Surplus cream is removed with a paper towel;

3. Before applying the foundation, a masking pencil is used, with which red spots, pimples and other skin imperfections are blurred. Then, a face cream is distributed with a moist sponge starting from the center of the face, first around the nose and under the eyes, and then over the remaining areas;

4. Applying powder — a round brush on the massage lines, from top to bottom with light movements;

5. The application of dry blush on the powder, cheekbones;

6. Eye makeup — stroke is done in pencil: the upper eyelids and inside the lower ones. The shadows are applied horizontally to the folds of the eyelids;

7. Dyeing of eyelashes — movement of the brachomatics shifting and twisting;

8. Makeup of lips — a stroke with a pencil is done on the contour of the lips. Lipstick is put by a brush from corners of a mouth to the center. Lips are soaked with a napkin and then on them, a second layer of lipstick is applied.


Make-up lessons.

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