Phytotherapy joint disease.

Phytotherapy joint disease.

Chemotherapeutic agents worthy substitute plants are used in a variety of dosage forms.
Such effective means as wild rosemary marsh sprouts, burdock root, the root of the marsh cinquefoil, root Marin (peony). Anti-inflammatory effect of these simple remedies sometimes like a miracle. Phytotherapy articular pathology is based on the same principles as the means of chemical treatment.

The first principle: Accounting causes joint diseases

Urine acid diathesis, or gout.

Often the cause of ailments may be the wrong exchange of uric acid. This disease is called uric acid diathesis, or gout.
In this case, the foreground are the plants that have the ability to rid the body of excess uric acid. This category includes birch buds Burdock (root), ling, Veronica officinalis, madder dyeing, cleavers and this and some other plants.

Grapes. The fruit or juice is recommended to take people without restrictions, the body that are prone to uric acid diathesis. Grape juice promotes the excretion of uric acid, prevents the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder.

rheumatoid arthritis

When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, then in the first place should be grass, eliminating pockets of chronic streptococcal infection in the body. Of course, in most cases, this treatment of chronic tonsillitis (tonsil infection). Less common source of streptococcal infections are chronic skin lesions — streptoderma and erysipelas.

For the treatment of these diseases is best way to outer applying herbs with pronounced antimicrobial activity. For tonsils suitable rinsing and lotions for the skin, and, later, ointments.
Herbs with antimicrobial activity: calendula (marigold), St. John’s wort wort, thyme creeping, tansy, nettle, watch a three-sheeted, chamomile, Kalanchoe pinnate, dihorizandra (golden mustache) and many others.

Folk remedy for arthritis.

50 grams of camphor, 50 g of mustard powder, 100 g of the alcohol, 100 g of raw egg white. The alcohol is poured into the cup, camphor dissolved in alcohol, the solution was poured into mustard and dissolve it. Separately from this mixture, 100 g protein and converted to stir lipstick. Mix both the composition together. Obtain a liquid ointment.
In the evening, before going to bed, rub this ointment in sore spots, but do not rub dry, so that the skin surface remained moist. Dry cloth to wipe wet surface, wrap a warm cloth and leave the bandage until the morning.

Rheumatoid arthritis.

In rheumatoid arthritis and similar diseases, when the origins of the disease is an autoimmune joint disease tissue for basic treatment is necessary to choose grass-immunomodulators and plants, have a cytostatic effect.
An example may serve as immunomodulators spurge Pallas, Hedysarum forgotten, Lemna minor, elfwort, celandine and some other plants.

Cytostatic effect have, as a rule, poisonous plants that require very careful handling, such as aconite, common cocklebur, autumn crocus and others. However, among the plants have toxic cytostatic the application of which has long strengthened by the people. It Potentilla marsh. Even a long (years) receiving this plant does not cause any side effects.

The second principle: the use of anti-inflammatory drugs

All anti-inflammatory herbs can be divided into three groups according to the main active ingredient.
The first group — herbs contain salicylates. The herbs included in this group, known to many: meadowsweet (spiraea), peony (root), Raspberry ordinary (sheet), has called gray willow (bark), black poplar (buds) and others.

Meadowsweet (meadowsweet). The grass in the form of infusion is taken orally for arthritis, gout and rheumatism. The root of it is used as an ointment for rubbing in the defeat of muscles and joints, gout and rheumatism.

Preparations Filipendulae.

Infusion: a teaspoon of herbs insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water and drink 1/4-1/3 cup of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.
1 ointment: 10 g of powder from the root mixed by heating 5 parts of the butter (unsalted) butter.

Ointment 2: 20-30 g of root powder is mixed with 150 ml of hot sunflower oil and used for grinding, before each application must be shaken.
The second group comprises the plant anti-called phytosterols and other substances having a steroid structure. Their structure and, accordingly, the effect similar to the action of glucocorticoids,
adrenocortical hormones such as prednisolone.

The main drug is licorice. Behind her are currant leaves, bittersweet, black elderberry, yellow gentian, bog rosemary, Dahurian rhododendron, Russian thistle, and others. This category may include toxic and fighter. However, the emphasis in its effect still falls on the cytostatic effect.

Phytotherapy joint disease.

Sambucus nigra.

Flowers in the form of infusion (tea) drink for arthritis, gout, rheumatism.

Infusion of elderberry:
3 tbsp. spoon flowers insist hour in a hot place in 1 liter of boiling water. Filter, add honey to taste and drink a glass of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before Food for arthritis, arthritis, gout, rheumatism and many others. al. diseases.


Phytotherapy joint disease.


The third group of anti-inflammatory herbs mainly contains tannins and gallic acid. It is about Badane, oak bark, alder and others.

The patient is placed on a layer of fresh alder leaves and cover with a thick layer such as leaves, and on top of the blanket. After a short time a person very propotevaet.

This pot calling method is considered useful to patients with weak heart and is used for arthritis, gout, articulate rheumatic pains and so forth.
Inside herbs are taken in the form of decoctions and alcohol tinctures. Broths are usually not made of a single herb, and collection of, which comprises from 7.8 to 4 grasses. Herbs in the collection are selected based on the principles set out above.


Normally take a tablespoon of the collection with the top glass of water. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Then insist 30-40 minutes. Dilute to the original volume. Take 1/3 cup three times daily before meals.

Preparation of tinctures.

Liqueurs, on the contrary, often made from the same plant, at least from 2-3.
The ground plant material (in the vast majority of the roots) 5-10 parts vodka is poured. Insisting carried out for 2-3 weeks dark place, shaking the container once in 2-3 days. Take tincture in
most cases, 20-40 drops to a reception, if the plant is not poisonous and It does not require special dosing.

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