Recipe of male power.

Recipe of male power.

Many are now writing for the restoration of male power, but this problem is still relevant for the large number of men. I once had a chance to solve this problem in a simple way. About him, and I want to tell. Recipe of male power.

For several years, I, like many other men who took part in the race for survival, called life. The family, which needs to be fed (and eat all want better), apartment, villa, car — all it took me a lot and work quickly.

On health is simply not enough time. I think that this is what has provoked the gradual fall of my male features, although I can not say, the doctors are not consulted.

Recipe of male power.

At some point, just began to notice that not everything is in order. Scare some reason was not — probably was not even forces on it.

But the firm belief that the situation must be corrected, all grew. The question was how to do it. To doctors did not want to go, it would be to admit their impotence.

After all, such a move could be made, if there was nothing else. I also suggested to solve an old friend, he passed through a similar ordeal.

Recipe of male power.

It’s simple, yet impotence is at an early stage and appears only occasionally, can help wheat germ, which contain large amounts of vitamin E. They must be at least temporarily to include in your daily diet.

Take 50 grams of wheat (with the amount of time it will be possible to bring up to 100 g), wash with warm water and put on a dish covered with a damp linen cloth.

Then cover with other grains with a damp cloth (make sure that the grain does not dry out). A day hatch sprouts. Rinse them and mince.

Recipe of male power.

The resulting mush, eat in the morning before breakfast, carefully chewing. To enhance the effect, you can drink her tea with honey. It is also a good idea to start to use the rye bread instead of white.

And of course, it is worth pay close attention to their way of life.

Once appeared disease can visit you again, if all remain unchanged. And that is important — you decide.


Recipe of male power.

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