Rejuvenating Cream.

Rejuvenating Cream.

Everyone wants to have youthful skin. Store-based products have no effect. Therefore, it is better to use natural remedies. let’s talk how to make a trendy cream based on rose hips in Hollywood today at home.

This remedy is also called rejuvenating cream. It will help to get rid of wrinkles in a short time.
Hollywood stars buy this cream (30 ml.) For $ 200. You can save and cook it at home for a penny.

This is a universal remedy. The cream is even used to care around the eyes, neck, décolleté.
Rosehip oil is the main ingredient for effective rejuvenation. This oil perfectly moisturizes and reduces pigmentation, brown age spots on the skin. Saturates skin cells with vitamins, restores tissues, protects from the sun, wind.

If you regularly use the cream, then you can see the result very soon:

— dry and peeling skin will pass

— removes crow’s feet, relieves deep wrinkles

— tightens the skin, copes with sagging

— removes bags under the eyes and dark circles

We make a cream. Rejuvenating Cream.

To prepare it you will need:
— aloe juice (anti-aging effect, eliminates the first signs of skin aging).

— jojoba oil (eliminates wrinkles, tightens and makes the skin supple)

— baby cream — use as a base

— rosehip oil (the main component of the cream)

— Vitamin B2 (for nutrition and hydration)


Mix 2 tables. tablespoons of any baby cream with 5 drops of vitamin B2, aloe juice (1 table. spoon), 5 drops of jojoba, 9 drops of rosehip oil.

The cream is important to apply 2 times a day. After 10 days, you will see the result: the skin will be elastic, small wrinkles will disappear, skin radiance will appear ..

Vitamin Masks

Pine pollen

Pine pollen or its tincture has a rejuvenating effect on the body, has a beneficial effect on the skin and fights aging. more about pine pollen

Banana — milk mask

Mash the peeled banana thoroughly with a little milk. If the skin is too oily, then you need to add a few drops of lemon juice to the mass. After removing the mask, wipe the face with a swab dipped in raw milk.


Halve one or two strawberries and apply juice to the face and neck, and moisturize the eyelids slightly. You can suppress the berries and put this gruel on the face. The mask is applied lying down, otherwise it will slip. Such masks perfectly act on the skin, soften it, lighten freckles.


Incise 2-3 grape berries and grease the face and neck with their juice.

Sauerkraut mask

A sauerkraut mask gives freshness and velvety to the skin of the face. Put 100 g of sauerkraut on your face for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the mask and rinse your face.

Carrot Protein Mask

Grate the carrots on a fine grater, mix with egg white, add 1 teaspoon of olive or peach oil, a little starch and put on the face and neck.

Curd — Vitamin Mask

Take 1 tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese and 1 tablespoon of peach or olive oil, milk and carrot juice. Mix them and apply the finished mask to your face.


Chop the leaves of spinach and cook in unsalted water or milk, put on cheesecloth and place it on the face and neck. Then remove and rub the skin with lotion. It is usually used for irritated skin.

The apples

Peel the apple and grate. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, milk or sour cream. (For oily skin, add 1 egg white to the mask.)


Cut the tomatoes into circles, put on the face and neck, and cover with gauze on top.

Mask with lettuce

Finely chopped lettuce leaves, pour over olive oil and add a few drops of lemon juice. This mask to cover the face and neck.

Rejuvenating Cream.

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