Метка: emphysema

Bronchitis treatment.

Bronchitis treatment.

Chronic bronchitis. Bronchitis treatment. Permanent cure for chronic bronchitis can be folk remedy. Bronchitis treatment. Chronic bronchitis is a prolonged inflammation of the bronchi. Bronchitis is considered to be chronic if the patient does not cough for a total of three months or more for a year, for at least two consecutive years. Usually, with […]

Chronic bronchitis treatment.

Chronic bronchitis treatment.

How to treat bronchitis? Chronic bronchitis treatment. One of the most unpleasant ailments, in my opinion, is bronchitis. Fortunately, although there are a lot of means in the national medicine for its treatment. Chronic bronchitis treatment. I want to share some of them. Bronchitis is acute — a consequence of the catarrhal state of the bronchi […]

Сhronic bronchitis treatment.

Сhronic bronchitis treatment.

Vegetables for bronchi. Сhronic bronchitis treatment. With diseases of the lungs, bronchi, and nasopharynx, vegetables and berries are widely and widely used. Potatoes: inhalation of potato fumes treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Сhronic bronchitis treatment. Carrots: carrot juice with honey (1: 1) or carrots, mashed and cooked with milk, used inside with various colds. […]



Pleurisy. Pleurisy is inflammation and swelling of the outer membrane (pleura) that covers the lungs. Pleurisy can be caused by infection, tumor development, or traumatic injury to the breast. Symptoms of pleurisy: Inflammation of the pleura causes pain when inhaling deeply, as well as when moving the chest. Folk remedies, treatment of pleurisy Mix the […]

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