Метка: hyperhidrosis

Unpleasant inflammation.

Unpleasant inflammation.

Unpleasant inflammation. In summer many people are faced with a very unpleasant problem — inflammation of the sweat glands. However, this problem is a seasonal pattern, but in summer the sweat glands have to work harder, and people often use antiperspirants, which provokes inflammation. So why do sweat glands inflame, and can you really fight […]

Hyperhidrosis treatment.

Hyperhidrosis treatment.

Increased sweating. Hyperhidrosis treatment. The reasons for increased sweating can be very much. First, a thorough examination is required to establish the disease. In addition to thyrotoxicosis, which, in addition to increased sweating, there are other factors. It is weakness, irritability, weight loss, increased appetite, trembling of the limbs. There are many other very bad […]

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