Метка: Treatment of mastitis

Juices from menopause.

Juices from menopause.

Juices from menopause. Fresh vegetables and fruits contain beneficial substances that cleanse the intestines and stimulate the digestive system. Their use during menopause is considered safer as freshly squeezed juices. Allowed course duration is two months.

Fees from menopause.

Fees from menopause.

Fees from menopause. 1. During hot flashes and tangible heat throughout the body, such a folk remedy is recommended: a tablespoon of medicinal sage, peppermint, immortelle, dill seeds, valerian root, corn stigmas mixed with two tbsp. l rosehip berries. Separate thirty grams of collection. Pour 300 ml of freshly boiled water, leave for 20 minutes. […]

Treatment of mastitis.

Treatment of mastitis.

Treatment of mastitis. Mastitis is called inflammation of the mammary gland resulting from the activity of bacteria (staphylococcal infection). The disease manifests as a bursting chest pain, the formation of seals and redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation.

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