Метка: younger looking skin



Warts. Warts are more common in children and adolescents. The causative agent of the disease is transmitted directly through contact with the patient and through household items. They are common, flat and pointed. Flat warts (also called juvenile) are smaller than ordinary warts. They have a smooth, flattened surface. Genital warts (condylomas) are papillary growths […]

Diet for neurodermatitis.

Diet for neurodermatitis.

Diet for neurodermatitis. This applies to both adults and children. Food is recommended mainly vegetable, with a sufficient amount of vitamins, limitation of salt and the exclusion of spices, smoked meats, canned food, sugary carbonated drinks and confectionery. To reduce the risk of neurodermatitis in a child during breastfeeding, citrus fruits, honey, cocoa, chocolate, condensed […]

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